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Neal Morse - Sola Gratia CD (album) cover


Neal Morse

Symphonic Prog

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4 stars Neal Morse has done it again. Another concept album. This time produced under trying circumstances. Unable to get together with his musical associates to write and record, he wrote the whole thing himself and sent the files to Mike Portnoy and Randy George to add drums and bass. Neal Morse Band members Eric Gillette and Bill Hubauer also contribute some parts but don't sing, so this album is billed as a Neal Morse solo album rather than a Neal Morse Band one.

Despite these limitations, Sola Gratia is a really good album. Based on the story of Saul of Tarsus, the narrative covers the events leading up to his conversion on the road to Damascus. There are nods back to one of Neal's previous albums Sola Scriptura, right from the start in fact, where, following a nice acoustic guitar intro, the opening lyrics are taken from the closing lyrics of the former album. After this preface there is the obligatory overture (one of his better ones too), then the story begins. Saul is a religious zealot, believing that this new religion that has arisen must be stamped out, and there are echoes of 'In the name of God you must die, all that's not our truth is a lie' in the song In The Name Of The Lord. The music goes seamlessly from metal to synth-driven prog to ballads. There is even an electronica section with programmed keyboards in Seemingly Sincere. Portnoy excels on drums in this song, both with restrained drumming early on and his more familiar style during the extended instrumental section. I must also mention the guitar solo in The Glory Of The Lord, I suspect it's Eric Gillette. It's spine-tingling.

I would put Sola Gratia in my top 5 of Neal Morse albums, alongside Question Mark, Sola Scriptura, Jesus Christ The Exorcist, and Similitude.

Report this review (#2447592)
Posted Sunday, September 13, 2020 | Review Permalink
4 stars This isolation of the pandemic offered an opportunity for Neal to focus on his progressive rock solo concept work. Long time musical partners Mike Portnoy and Randy George bring their talents, as well as some guitar and keyboard work from Eric Gillette and Bill Hubauer. This album was also entirely recorded 'remotely' due to the travel restrictions of COVID 19.

The music inspiration to Sola Gratia can be heard right from the beginning as Neal's melody during the Preface brings back one of the most memorable melodies from the original Sola Scriptura masterpiece. Sola Gratia (latin: grace alone) is based upon the life of the Apostle Paul, from his aggressive persecution of Christians and the early church to his conversion to Christ on the road to Damascus. The Overture is 6 minutes of terrific music which quickly reveals the deep com-positional skills of Morse and the usual chops of Portnoy and George. Melodies and musical passages are exciting and fresh. This fades to the first release and video In The Name Of The Lord. This is as intense and straight forward rock song. The story continues from Paul's perspective as Ballyhoo (The Chosen Ones) leads the listener through his thought process of why he must persecute the Christians. March Of The Pharisees is a short instrumental which leads to the arena-rock-style anthem Building A Wall. This will surely bring on a loud audience interaction during a live performance. Sola Intermezzo is another short instrumental offering with a great vibe and bringing back the opening riff of Sola Scriptura. The high energy ending contrasts with the following song Overflow. This is the song which lets the listener relax and catch their breath from the first half of the story. A beautiful melody accompanied by piano and strings, is backed by a chorus of voices, flutes, and a great groove from Portnoy and George. Warmer Than Sunshine is a mostly instrumental piece. It's a great combination of the heavy and melodic character of the album. At this point of the story, it is building up to the final conflict. Never Change is a terrific song bringing almost eight minutes of Neal's vocals at their best in showcasing a very soulful and emotional delivery. This leads to the second release and video, Seemingly Sincere. As the longest song of the album, at 9 1/2 minutes, this is a highlight of the album as is describes the stoning of Stephen at the hands of Paul. The rest of the album changes it's tonality as Paul's persecuting days are done and is forever changed. The Glory Of The Lord is an uplifting song which features an epic Eric Gillette solo. The choir closes the song in epic fashion and leads to the finale Now I Can See/The Great Commission. As expected, this is your usual Morse epic ending with the feel good ending with a terrific calm conclusion with a solo piano. In conclusion, aside from a couple of new sonic explorations, most all of this album is straight from the Neal Morse playbook. Ultimately this album will side comfortably alongside '?' and Sola Scriptura, but its up to the listener whether Sola Gratia matches the heights of those albums.


Recommended Tracks: March Of The Pharisees, Overflow, Never Change & Seemingly Sincere.

Report this review (#2454886)
Posted Thursday, October 8, 2020 | Review Permalink
Honorary Collaborator
4 stars Former Spock's Beard frontman Neal Morse is hardly a slacker! A constant stream of studio works and live recordings pop up every year from the talented multi-instrumentalist, and 2020's `Sola Gratia' keeps up that momentum, recorded remotely away from his regular musical collaborators and in isolation during this oh so blessed of years! Sarcasm aside, it's another superb set from the composer, especially if you're a fan, and all the punchy symphonic prog arrangements, catchy tunes, elegant orchestration, rich harmonies, dynamic instrumental passages and faith-based lyrics the artist is known for are all accounted for here.

`Sola Gratia' compliments Morse's 2007 release `Sola Scriptura', which focused on an important figure in Christian faith history, sixteenth century German theologian Martin Luther. This time, Morse goes back even further and conveys the story of the apostle Paul (Saul), who initially participated in the persecution of early followers of the Christian movement in Jerusalem, before his later spiritual awakening and conversion.

While the basic instrumental structure of the disc is comparable to his other solo works, `...Gratia', like its 2007 predecessor, frequently has heavier and more bombastic touches worked in, with several passages of tougher guitars and constantly wilder vocals from the artist. But having said that, it might also have the greatest amount of tender and gentle moments as well. Morse is in impeccable form as ever (he really is one of the finest and most versatile modern keyboardists), but the return of his frequent collaborators, particularly ex-Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy and bassist Randy George, all give the album the instrumental power and technical finesse that prog fans crave.

Between grand symphonic themes, recurring instrumental motifs and winning reprises that pop up throughout, there's crunchy rockers like `In the Name of the Lord', and `Seemingly Sincere' (dig the muscular instrumental middle section in this one!), and tenderly soulful ballads in the dreamy `Overflow' (could almost be a Transatlantic - a Morse side-project - outtake), `The Glory of the Lord' and the Pink Floyd flavoured album highlight `Never Change' that are a Morse mainstay. Morse's Beatles influences sneak into `Ballyhoo (The Chosen Ones)', spirited backing vocalists are put to good use around the raucous grooves of `Building a Wall' by bringing a chanted choir response, and Gentle Giant fans will love the frantic run-around of `Warmer Than the Sunshine'.

Throughout, there are fleeting touches of call-backs to themes, lyrics and arrangements from `Sola Scriptura' to bring a sense of cohesion and continuity here, and fans will have a great time scratching their heads trying to recall what originally popped up and where on that one! Another highlight is that any prog album that prompts further research into its subject matter only enriches the work and helps the listener appreciate it on a deeper level, and `...Gratia', like its predecessor, is ripe for study and research. Believer or atheist, it's still interesting to delve into a fascinating part of history.

There is, however, a case to be made for the argument question of `How long can Neal Morse keep remaking the same album over and over?'. He has mostly followed the same blueprint described above ever since departing his former band and commencing solo duty with 2003's `Testimony', even if it is absolutely a formula that he completely excels at. If a newcomer curious about his music were to ask for a particular album recommendation, you could easily pick any one of his prog-styled solo albums from `Testimony' through to this one and they'd be rewarded with a winner, because they all sound very similar, and they are more-or-less all as superb as each-other.

So, can `Sola Gratia' be recommended? To make use of a Simpsons quote - "Yes' with an `if...', `no' with a `but..."! Yes, it's literally more of the same from the artist and won't offer any new surprises, but taken on its own merits, it's still a superb example of melodic prog-rock with a ton of the variety that Morse does so well, and despite the sixty-five minute running time, constant re-spins reveal a fairly compact set that flows together effortlessly. If you're a fan and are happy with the artist simply playing to his strengths and delivering exactly what is expected of him, or if you're a curious new listener wanting a good introduction to his approach, `Sola Gratia' proves to be just another winning example of melodic modern prog from a skilled and intelligent artist.

Four stars.

Report this review (#2475503)
Posted Saturday, November 14, 2020 | Review Permalink
kev rowland
Honorary Reviewer
4 stars While the title of this album obviously has links back to 2007's 'Sola Scriptura', which was about the life of Martin Luther, and this is about the apostle Paul, it is actually all due to a misunderstanding. Morse says, "I was talking to my wife Cherie about debuting this new piece at Morsefest 2020 (Morse's annual fan convention in Nashville) and she said she thought it would be good for me to do a solo album. However, I thought she said, 'Sola album' and ? because some of the new ideas involved Paul's aggressive pursuit of the early Christians, I could see a link to some of the themes of persecution in 'Sola Scriptura'." Unlike his other albums, this was recorded virtually due to lockdowns, with Randy George and Mike Portnoy remotely adding their parts to the basic tracks, without any rearrangements, which is why this led to being credited to Neal Morse and not The Neal Morse Band. Normally the whole band works together on the writing, and while Eric Gillette plays some guitar and Bill Hubauer keyboards, neither provided any input to the composition nor do they sing.

Mind you, given that Neal is a multi-instrumentalist who is as happy on keyboards as he is on guitar, that is not really an issue when it comes to putting together an album. This finds him very much in his element, telling a Christian story but in his own way, with all the bombast and bluster that one expects from him. After the disappointment of the theatrical 'Jesus Christ The Exorcist', and the fun compilation 'Cov3r To Cov3r', here is a composer and performer very much back on form. While it may not have the emotional power of 'Testimony', it is unlikely that will ever come again as it was such an incredible outpouring (being at his London show on that tour is something I will never forget), it certainly demonstrates he is very much back in his element. He has moved on from the overtly Spock's Beard style which came through his early solo albums, as one would expect, and he had broadened the approach so while he provides plenty of bombast at times, and wonderful proggy interludes there are also some great singalongs with "Building A Wall" possibly being one of his most overtly commercial songs for some time.

I have been a fan of Neal since I first heard 'The Light' and have been lucky enough to interview him a few times and seen him play both with the Beard and solo. This album is an absolute delight for fans like me and one which will regularly return to the player.

Report this review (#2539703)
Posted Saturday, May 1, 2021 | Review Permalink
4 stars I almost thought of this as a 5-star...I really did! First off, it's not really a great sequel (prequel?) to Sola Scriptura, in that when Sola melodies are introduced, they do seem a bit forced, and they are largely limited to interludes. Having said that, this album--to me--represents a milestone in terms of comparing where Neal was 15 years ago to where he is now. Back them, he was hungry with the spirit, driving very creative and energetic writing. Now, he may still be as hungry with the spirit, but the tenor has changed, at least to my ears. Rather than browbeating the world into seeing his light, he is more accepting and understanding. The goal is still to lift glory to God, but the method seems different.

Thematic storytelling in music is risky. Rick Wakeman's versions? No thanks. Neal's story of Saul's conversion from Christian slaughterer to Jesus disciple? It took me over a year, but I will give that a try...

...and thank goodness I did! Fans will expect a reprise of Sola, but what we get to my ears is a great combination of early solo Neal (dainty melodies from Testimony and ...Nother Trip) and the more recent JC Exorcist (featuring choirs and roots/thumping tunes) that genuinely take me back in time. I'd also like to discuss Neal's voice. What used to be a softer register tone that could amp up for climactic moments has become the opposite: a very rough experience at low volumes that becomes an absolute assault rifle when cranked up. Being able to pierce through metal-based music isn't just something you can practice. You can't predict how your voice will age, but you can adjust based on the passage of time, and I think Neal has provided an exceptional example of how to do that effectively.

To me, what Neal has accomplished here is nothing short of astounding. It really hit me at my first Morsefest. He has had incredible ideas throughout his professional life, but the mechanics of bringing them to life have been difficult. Now he has a mini choir, and mini orchestra, ready to record, not only as session musicians, but as believers in the cause, and the result clearly comes through on the albums. No one is cashing a check...the passion is there, and believer or not, that makes a difference in the music, and amazingly that edge is still there in this album. I did not think Neal could deliver and album like this, in these circumstances, but he freaking did, and I will treasure it forever.

Report this review (#2607895)
Posted Monday, October 25, 2021 | Review Permalink
4 stars Whilst in his early solo career Neal Morse put out a fair few prog albums under his own name, for the last ten years or so he's actually been more sparing on that front. He's kept up the pace of his singer-songwriter releases and his "worship music" series of mainstream Christian faith music, but ever since his surprise return to Transatlantic for The Whirlwind it seems like he actively prefers to make prog in a band context - thus putting out less prog albums as "Neal Morse" and more as part of "The Neal Morse Band". (There was the Jesus Christ the Exorcist album, but that was a full cast prog-gospel rock opera, and so whilst it differed from the Neal Morse Band's approach, it also wasn't very much like Neal's earlier solo prog albums.)

And, in a way, Sola Gratia kind of is a Neal Morse Band album, because the gang is all here (or at least are present virtually - due to this being recorded in the early phases of the first COVID lockdown, all the participants recorded their parts separately and Neal assembled it all together).

At the same time, it's not presented as one, and for good reason. All the Neal Morse Band releases include extensive sharing of the songwriting duties. Sometimes the extent to which is the case has varied - their first album was very much a collaborative effort, since they deliberately went in the studio with nothing prepared, whereas on The Great Adventure, Neal already had demos of the entire thing worked out and the band's contribution largely came down to putting flesh on those bones.

For Sola Gratia, however, Neal composed everything and the band are really here simply to put his vision into effect - so it's credited to him, not the group as a whole. (They would go right back to a very band-oriented, collective approach on Innocence and Danger, which they'd release under the band name.)

It's a sort of thematic sequel to his earlier solo album, Sola Scriptura - in that both albums are based on major theological concepts in Protestant Christianity, and both of them are concept albums based around the stories of major figures in Christian history, Martin Luther in the case of Sola Scriptura and Saint Paul on this album.

What you get here, then, might not be all that surprising; designating this a "Neal Morse" album was apt. If you've taken in his solo prog work from Testimony to Momentum, you'll recognise a lot of the schticks and techniques he works in here - but he's also picked up a few new tricks up his sleeve. This might be the benefit of working more in a band context - not only does this help Neal pick up new ideas better than him doing all the songwriting work himself, but it also means that when it comes time to put together a solo album the "old way" he could come back to it with fresh eyes, making this one of the stronger releases in his discography under his own name.

Report this review (#2849293)
Posted Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | Review Permalink

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