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Jazz Rock/Fusion • Greece

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Axis biography
Axis was formed in 1970 by Dimitris KATAKOUZINOS and Demis VISVIKIS, after they had hooked up as members of the backing band for Demis ROUSSOS (APHRODITE'S CHILD). They released three albums between 1971 and 1973. Their third album (their second self-titled album) brings the most interest to this site, as it is a mixture of heavy prog, canturbury jazz-rock, and pure fusion.

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AXIS top albums (CD, LP, MC, SACD, DVD-A, Digital Media Download)

3.42 | 17 ratings
Ela Ela
3.79 | 14 ratings
3.82 | 47 ratings

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AXIS Reviews

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 Axis by AXIS album cover Studio Album, 1973
3.82 | 47 ratings

Axis Jazz Rock/Fusion

Review by BrufordFreak
Collaborator Honorary Collaborator

4 stars The response to the Anglo-Italian progressive rock phenomenon from a very competent Greek band. Weird to see and hear a prog band that has no guitarists.

1. "Waiting a Long Time" (4:26) more like across between URIAH HEEP and BLACK SABBATH. I like it but this is not Jazz- Rock Fusion. Really nice work on the keyboards. (8.875/10)

2. "Sewers Down Inside" (6:19) moody atmospheric music trying to be both Jazz-Rock Fusion and Space Music at the same time--like Stomu Yamash'ta's Go project. The vocals at the end sound like familiar. (9.125/10)

3. "Materializing the Unlimited" (5:03) Where the benefit of two drummers shows. Again, I love the creativity of keyboard maestro Demis Visvikis. Kind of long and drawn out with the raunchy, dirty imitation guitar two chords played over and over. (8.75/10)

4. "Asymphonia I" (5:05) piano, double bass, and percussion in an old-fashioned jazz style. Goes Don Pullen and Stanley Clarke in the third minute with its pounded piano chords and bowed bass. Nice drumming as well. (8.875/10)

5. "Suspended Precipice" (1:48) a jazzy composition that at times seems more advanced on the J-R Fuze evolutionary scale, but also slips into older blues-rock forms at times, and then bleeds into/becomes the next song. (4.5/5)

6. "Roads" (5:05) slowed down and bluesy while also projecting from the bass a little "Lucky Man" 'tude, then goes more jazz-rogue as the Demis launches into his solo. The drums and bass sound so good! I wish the electric piano solo were a little more creative or proggy. There's an interesting drum solo in an extended section of the second half with a kazoo-sounding Canterbury Hammond organ solo to follow. They're obviously giving a little nod to The Softs as well. Rated up purely for the awesome groove and sound presented by the rhythm section. (9/10)

7. "Asymphonia II" (2:50) bleeding over from "Roads," we slide back into the near free-for-all of Don Pullen/Ornette Coleman-like free jazz: for the first 90 seconds everybody is just going Animal wild, and then they try to incorporate space and pauses into their performances as if to try to trick one another! Interesting! Excellent skills on display; it's just not the most satisfying music to listen to. (8.75/10)

8. "Dancing Percussion" (2:38) another display of atmospheric keyboard work over which the band creates of a percussion-generated wall of sound. (4.375/5)

9. "Pa Vu Ga Di" (3:44) organ and choir sounding like Mellotron but it's real church music (from a real church setting?) Percussion starts getting a little loose and then, at 2:35, the drums, bass, and organ go full rock beneath the church choir. Interesting! I've rarely considered bringing prog into the church service! It's more common to try to bring church sounds and stylings into the prog studio. (8.75/10)

10. "The Planet Vavoura" (4:05) back to hard-drivin' rock-infused jazz-rock. The bass and drums are motoring while Demis tries to capture that Canterbury sax-saw-organ sound for a pseudo-sax solo over the top. Mellotron enters and slows everybody down for a bit before the band reconvenes for a dramatic finish. (8.875/10)

Total Time 41:03

The album starts off with absolutely no connection to the Jazz-Rock Fusion movement, but then, rather surprisingly, turns jazzy in the middle--a commitment that the band then maintains over the course of the rest of the album.

B+/four stars; a very good exhibition of prog rock from some very fine, very talented musicians. The songs just needed a little more polish and refinement.

 Ela Ela by AXIS album cover Studio Album, 1971
3.42 | 17 ratings

Ela Ela
Axis Jazz Rock/Fusion

Review by Psychedelic Paul

4 stars Hey Hey Hosanna! A Greek treat and an Axis of Love with religious overtones, Axis had something of a cult following in Greece (just don't tell Scientologists their religion is really a cult, as they tend to get rather annoyed). Don't worry though, you don't have to don orange robes, shave your head, or prance around in a circle chanting "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna". No, it's simply that with a church organ and heavenly choir in attendance, one can't help feeling a sense of spiritual love and devotion is in order. The opening song "Osanna" is a happy-clappy feel-good song, so feel free to clap and sing along if the spirit so takes you. And with that in mind, I hope you'll abide with me as we say a prayer and give thanks to the Prog Gods on Mount Olympus for giving us this heavenly blessing of Greek Prog:- "Our father, Who art in prog heaven, Give us this album and forgive us our Genesis "Trespass" album, For thine is the kingdom of Prog, And the power and the glory of Greek Prog, Forever and Ever, Amen to that! Ela Ela (Greek for "Hey Hey") is an album for those discerning prog fans amongst us who prefer their prog a little on the lighter side, with music as warm and comforting as a favourite fluffy cardigan, and sounding as comfortably familiar as Aphrodite's Child's first two poppy prog albums. The name of the band "Axis" is a sly reference to Jimi Hendrix, so you can expect to hear plenty of groovy, psychedelic pop tunes along the way with the occasional guitar freak out thrown in for good measure too - and all lightly sprinkled with an unmistakable Greek flavour that's as enjoyable as an evening of plate-smashing at your local Greek restaurant. And the highlight of the album? The final track: "Bad Trip" -a grandiose and magnificent prog spectacular - which you may well have heard before - that has all of the pomp and ceremony of Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance March at the Last Night of the Proms. Overblown? Maybe. Glorious and magnificent? Definitely! A word of warning: the first two Axis albums are really one and the same album with the tracks listed in a different order, which sounds as dodgy as some of Del Boy's hooky gear down at Peckham market. Oh, and one more thing: there was a third Axis album, released in 1973, which is still a mighty fine album, but it's something of a witches brew, so it's really one for Jazz Fusion freaks. An edgy and challenging album to listen to maybe, for those who like to dice with danger, but not nearly as hazardous as cooking sizzling sausages on a barbecue at a naturist resort.

The Ten Commandments of Prog:-

1. The Prog Gods are the Lords of Prog and thou shalt have no other Prog Gods before thee

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image of a classic prog album cover

3. Thou shalt not take the names of the Lords of Prog in vain

4. Remember the Black Sabbath day, for the seventh day is for the Holy worship of prog

5. Honour thy father and thy mother's prog collection

6. Thou shalt not murder a classic prog anthem

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery with a fellow prog fan's husband or wife

8. Thou shalt not steal a prog album

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against a fellow prog fan

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's prog collection

 Axis by AXIS album cover Studio Album, 1973
3.82 | 47 ratings

Axis Jazz Rock/Fusion

Review by Mellotron Storm
Prog Reviewer

4 stars 4.5 stars. Man if I was from Greece there would be three albums that I would hold up with pride as the most monumental recordings from that nation. This third and final studio album from AXIS along with APHRODITE'S CHILD's "666" and PLJ BAND's "Armageddon. Three absolutely adventerous and intriguing albums right there. They all fascinate me in different ways. This final record from AXIS is a major change from the two albums before it and why this band is listed under Jazz/Fusion here. The first two had a 60's vibe with lots of vocals and they played in a psychedelic style that was at times poppy and at other times folky. The first two records shared six tracks. Then the band grew up! I mean they graduated with honours. This is not for the faint of heart, talk about an about face. We get some avant jazz, free jazz and experimental tunes, but also melodic stuff like the hard rocking opener that could have been a single and those Canterbury moments mostly with that fuzzed out organ that brings HATFIELD AND THE NORTH to mind.

Two lineup changes as the guitarist leaves and is not replaced. None is credited in the liner notes but I think I hear it but maybe it's the keyboards. They add a second drummer and I don't know if that's because there were two recording sessions in 1973, one in April where they did 6 tracks including "Pa Vu Ga Di" at a German Evangelical church which consists mostly of vocals and church organ. Then four tracks in June which are actually the first four songs off this album. The bass player was also replaced. The keyboardist adds mellotron this time and the electric piano is really good. SpaceFreak from another site who is from Greece mentions that Chris one of the drummers here(not the guitarist) bought Christian Vander's drum set that he had used on MAGMA's debut. Chris would go on to drum for CLEARLIGHT, Francis Moze and ZAO although he never recorded with the latter.

That opener "Waiting A Long Time" is just a hard rocking tune with a chorus that softens to great affect. The second instrumental break is out of left field as they turn to an avant Jazz style and check out that piano. "Sewers Down Inside" is dark with faint sounds to start and it stays sparse really with some brief outbreaks before the intro returns around 3 minutes in. Then suddenly a full sound before 4 minutes. Another surprise is that it settles with vocals, mellotron and beats before 5 minutes. I like the bass on "Materializing The Unlimited" and there's an electronic quality to this track as sounds cycle and swirl until 2 1/2 minutes in when distortion and drums take over. A relentless attack to the end.

"Asymphonia" I and II which are tracks 4 and 7 are Free Jazz with what sounds like double bass, piano and drums and this is avant later on. Love the electric piano on "Suspended Precipice". "Roads" along with the opener and closer are my top three. A definite Canterbury vibe here with the keyboards. Distortion! Jazzy drums and bass. More of this Canterbury flavour on the closer "The Planet Vavoura". I want to mention "Dancing Percussion" as well which starts off haunting with experimental sounds as voices cry out in the distance. Floating organ and dancing percussions follow.

A bit shocking to hear this after spending a lot of time with their debut "Ela Ela". I mean it doesn't sound like the same band at all. Out of the park!

 Ela Ela by AXIS album cover Studio Album, 1971
3.42 | 17 ratings

Ela Ela
Axis Jazz Rock/Fusion

Review by Mellotron Storm
Prog Reviewer

3 stars 3.5 stars. AXIS were a four piece band from Greece but they were able to move to France in order to have some actual freedom musically and in life. Two of the members(bass/ keyboardist) are the lead singers while the other two add harmonies and backing vocals. The two main singers were part of the APHRODITE'S CHILD backing band which came as no surprise as there is a connection between the sound of these two bands musically. In 1972 this was released in Germany, Canada, The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and France. Interesting that The Netherlands release had a different cover and title. It's called "Someone". The Spain release covers all the bases as they called it "Someone/ Ela Ela/ Osanna". The only cd release is from 2013 and they take The Netherland's cover and title but on the spine of the cd it has "Someone/ Ela Ela".

The nine songs range from 3 minutes to 5 1/2 minutes and there is a strong 60's flavour to the music both vocally and instrumentally. Kind of a Folk/ Psychedelic style that is often commercial sounding. The thing is that this is clearly a talented band and they hit some real highs here but I find it inconsistent. Still I found this tough to rate because I like a lot of this and it really ends well with the two longest tunes ending the album. The vocals are a strong point and both lead singers while different from each other they are outstanding. "Osanna" isn't really the best way to start this, it's so commercial sounding and I was sick of hearing it pretty quickly with vocals dominating the sound.

How about the vocals on "Living In" which have so much character and the electric guitar and organ standout. I like those two tracks in the middle "Nothing To Say" and "Long Time Ago". The latter is a psychedelic beauty and a top three. Favourite is "Thought" for the vocals and organ which surprisingly bring SBB's keyboardist to mind when he's ripping it up on the organ and singing. The closer is very good too called "Bad Trip". The crazy thing about this one is the harpsichord. I don't think I've heard that instrument played with such passion before. Just a great sounding tune.

I like the sound of the electric guitar throughout and we get quite a bit of acoustic guitar as well. I would recommend this to anyone to at least check out.

 Axis by AXIS album cover Studio Album, 1973
3.82 | 47 ratings

Axis Jazz Rock/Fusion

Review by ALotOfBottle
Prog Reviewer

4 stars Similarly to their better-known countrymen, Aphrodite's Child, Axis were a Greek outfit, who moved to France, because of the right-wing regime in their motherland. The band was formed in 1970 by multiinstrumentalists Dimitris Katakouzinous and Demis Visvikis. In 1971, they released their debut album Ela Ela, which featured their take on a Greek folk standard of the same title. The work was heavily inspired by the contemporary psychedelic pop. 1972 marked the release of their self-titled album. One year later, Axis released another album by the name Axis, which was radically different than all their previous efforts, only to break up soon after.

The style of Axis' swansong shows strong influence of Canterbury scene bands such as Soft Machine, Egg, and Matching Mole, jazz-rock of Nucleus, Mahavishnu Orchestra or Keith Jarrett, free jazz of Sun Ra and Ornette Coleman, hard rock reminiscent of Uriah Heep and Free, and progressive rock of acts such as King Crimson. There are also some electronic parts that seem to owe a great deal to Can, Tangerine Dream, and Klaus Schulze. So far, so good, right? The elements of the previously mentioned groups seem to work especially well, creating an unclassifiable musical extract. The band's sound is characterized by rich instrumental layers, professional musicianship, and exceptionally clever detailing.

The instrumental abilities of Axis' members really deserve a mention. Demis Visvikis's keyboards play a crucial role in the band's sound. He goes from Thelonious Monk-inspired jazz on grand piano, to bulldozer-like fuzz organ, very much in the vein of Dave Stewart, to ambient Mellotron parts. Chris Stassinopoulos' guitar playing is versatile as well. He finds himself comfortable playing heavy rhythm guitar riffs and jazz guitar solos alike. These are supported by a very competent rhythm section of Dimitris Katakouzinos on bass, who is capable of phenomenal grooves and George Hadjiathanassiou on drums, who keeps up very well with the band's dynamic style.

There are ten tracks on Axis and I could easily say that every single one has its own distinct style. There is, however, a sort of inexplicable link between them that makes them sound alike and prevents the release from sounding inconsistent for that matter. The pieces go from hard rock-fueled 'Waiting A Long Time', to the ambient 'Sewers Down Inside', to free jazz-inspired 'Asymphonia', to majestic, liturgical 'Pa Vu Ga Di'. In short, the band makes great use of their record time, not limiting themselves to only one style.

Throughout its four-year career, Axis managed to release three albums. Their self-titled work from 1973 is their last and definitely their most accomplished effort. Its main characteristics are enormous eclecticism and near-to-flawless musicianship. With such a wide plethora of influences, it perhaps is not very innovative, but entertaining throughout and well-worth your time. Highly recommended for fans of obscure progressive rock and Canterbury scene!

 Axis by AXIS album cover Studio Album, 1973
3.82 | 47 ratings

Axis Jazz Rock/Fusion

Review by stefro
Prog Reviewer

3 stars A strangely disjointed mixture of hard rock, psychedelia and jazz fusion, this self-titled 1973 album was actually the Greek group's third overall, and the second to be named after the group. Although not too much is known about Axis, we do know that they were one of a number of Greek groups who moved to France sometime during the early 1970s, hoping to join up with the vibrant French music scene and hopefully win themselves a recording contract, though ultimately they failed to find true commercial success. Led by keyboardist-and-vocalist Demis Visvikis and also featuring Alexandros Fantis(bass), Chris Stassinopoulos(guitar) and George Hadjiathanassiou(drums), Axis' third album is considered by some to be one of Greece's all-time great prog-rock albums, though by their own admittance the Greek scene wasn't exactly large. Of course, you can't really have a discussion about Greek prog without bringing up the legendary Aphrodite's Child, home to Demis Roussous and Vangelis Papathanassiou, two of Greece's biggest musical exports and, later on, international stars in their own right. Like Aphrodite's Child's career-defining double-album '666', 'Axis' contains a plethora of styles, textures and tones, skipping enthusiastically between fusion-style flourishes and Canterbury-flecked organ runs to initially bemusing effect. Subsequent listens, however, reveal a talented quartet at work, and a slightly hard-rock edge that plays nicely off the album's fusion- dominated mid-section. Occasionally, the group do wander off into strange little musical side-streets, yet for the most they manage to carve out an interesting and mainly instrumental album. It may, then, take a little time to sink in, as multiple listens are required to truly grasp what is happening, but even then one shouldn't expect any great shakes. This is a good, interesting album, yet it doesn't quite manage to serve up any real, killer melodies or stand-out tunes for a supposedly 'lost classic'. If you liked '666' you'll dig 'Axis', though the album's fragmented nature may well put some listeners off. STEFAN TURNER, STOKE NEWINGTON, 2015
Thanks to evolver for the artist addition.

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