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Space Pirate Radio

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Topic: Space Pirate Radio
Posted By: dmastous
Subject: Space Pirate Radio
Date Posted: May 04 2008 at 02:20
Space Pirate Radio was a program created and hosted by Guy Guden. The show started in the mid 70's and concentrated on music from outside the US, heavy on the prog rock, ambient, and post punk genres.
The show ran from midnight Sunday to 5:30am Monday. Mr Guden introduced the show during around 10 minutes of ambient music from either Ashra Temple or Klaus Schultz. He then started playing what he said he would play. It was comercial free (with the exception of the sponsor bit at the beginning and end) and loaded with soundbytes, and self created comedy bits, influenced by, but nowhere nears as good as Peter Sellers and Monty Python.
He played full sides of albums, and of course the extended side long songs from various prog rock bands. He also played some of the, at the time, bourgeoning new wave music from England, as well as music from France, and Japan.
I found the shows by accident one night (and thought I was dreaming) on KHTy in Santa Barbara, but I know it was also on KTYD in Santa Barbara for a while as well. In fact due to the irracible nature of Mr Guden the show made the rounds of nearly all the stations in the Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo area both public and commercial. I was only able to listen to it for a little over a year from late 1986 to 1988. I taped a number of the shows, and listened to the tapes repeatedly over the next 6 or 7 years until they were stolen from my car in '94. Everytime I listened to the tapes I found a new musical treasure or treasures.
I used to frequently scour music stores and now web sites looking to identify some of the music that I had on those tapes. A few years ago I was in touch with a prog rock fan who had also listened to, and taped the show as well. He was kind enough to fill up about 10 CDs with some shows from 1978-1981. I listen to them frequently now. Again finding gems from the prog rock archieves.
I put up a Space Pirate Radio tribute page hoping to find peope who had, as I had done, recorded shows. Especially from the period I listened. I've gotten little response, but keep trying. Guy Guden himself emailed me for a time. But he has fallen off the map. I'd like to expand the information on that site as much as I can. All I know now is that the show existed and who did it. That's about it. What I am looking for are playlists, and historical facts about the show. When did it air, and where (what station). Of course I'm always interested in recordings of the show. I'd like to set up some kind of trading between members who do remember the program, or even offer some of my digitized recordings on the web site.

Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: July 31 2008 at 15:59
I tried to send a few emails to Mr. Mastous, but they were bounced back as undeliverable.
In looking around, I found this forum, and whaddayaknow?
     - Mr. Mastous had posted something on it.
I signed up so that I could tell him:
I have many, many hours of recordings of SPR material.
Some are compilations; some are complete shows.
All are on VHS HiFi.
Arrangements can be made for copying any or all of what I have,
although I can't put other things on hold to do it.
To all others: Please don't swarm all over me about this.
I am specifically responding to one person's plea; I cannot afford
the time to answer requests from anyone else for this material.
If doing so ever becomes possible, I will say so. Thank you.
Confused I have to use the library's konfuzers to skid across the infernalnet,
so my response to anyone  may take several days. Please be patient.

Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: September 16 2008 at 18:04

Update: I have 32 complete Space Pirate Radio shows in mono and 2 in stereo; plus two other tapes that may also have complete shows in stereo.

I also have 21 full 6-hour compilations, plus between 1 and 2 hours on one more tape.

Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: September 25 2008 at 13:17
Another update/correction: At least some of the 32 "mono" tapes are actually stereo, but the VCR I used to record them had audio problems; sometimes noise intrudes, especially on the right channel;  it may be necessary to use only left-channel audio when copying some tapes.

Posted By: misterdirk
Date Posted: October 16 2008 at 20:00
Hi, nice to find other SPR fans here. I'm actually the registrant of "" which I have left dormant until I can get it into Guy's hands some day. It would be a dream come true if he is still doing shows somewhere, or would resume using a website. I suppose I could use the domain name as a sort of fan site, because I have 20 or 30 hours of shows that I recorded myself (late 80s, early 90s). I spoke to Guy occasionally back then, and tried to turn him on to the networked future that was coming around the corner, but for various unfortunate reasons SPR never made the leap to the Internet.

Anyway, if anyone has contact info for Guy, or ideas for a fan site, give me a reply here, public or private.


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: December 10 2008 at 14:23

I ended up with quite a few tapes of the show and just threw them away in the past year.
No worries ... none of the music in them was missed, with the exception of a couple of cheap tapes from Radio Shack and such, but in general, they are excellent and are now MP3'd ... the only thing I have not done is finish the Excel Spreadsheet that listed the music played and the many of Guy's comedy highlights.
I have not shared these with anyone, mostly via Guy's request. For the most part the life of an artist sux, and for as much as Guy has done for so many in music, not enough of them have returned the favor ... and helped him. Not to mention the Radio Station blues and wars ... I know .. I helped pay rent to help Guy get going for the first several years and put up the money to produce his record album and a SPR T-shirt (the one with the nun) ... I finally left in 1978 when I was accepted into UCSB and could not afford rent and 40 hours per week of work and do my Theater work at nights.
It was the best of times ... no doubt about that!
All told I have over 400 hours of shows and they span 1974 to 1978 mostly with one show in '81 or '82 and then a show in '87 or '88 and then one more that I got from Paul B in '95.
When I first started recording these, I did them all in 120 Cassette tapes, and always turned the tape over during the ID"s (top of the hour) ... which on occasion was a source of fun and consternation for Guy, since that was one minute where he would always like to play with what he had if he was bored ... so you might here Bela Lugosi backwards! And Guy the translator behind it ... but all in all, I really wanted the music I did not have yet ... and Guy was playing in those days everything that both him and I had ... and could afford, mind you ... which means that there were priorities, like Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, Amon Duul 2 (still the best ... ever the best ... I miss more Wolf City's and Apocalyptic Bore's! ... do I ever!!!) ... before one could splurge.
Since then, I have dutifully taken care of the tapes, as best as possible, always protected and covered.
I have not undertaken to spread the word that I had them ... well ... at Guy's request. He knows I have them, and I think he would like to gain something from it all, however ... there might be copyright issues ... and selling of these may not be the appropriate forum for it ... but sadly ... Guy also needs to live, and support his family ... I just never thought of sharing it openly. And I have respected the wishes, although somehow I accidentally shared a few shows with one of the friends here. 
I did see him at Progfest in 1999 .... where I was one of the official photographers for the event. I think a few emails since.
With all the commotion and lousy situation that music is in, I was trying to tell GONG (whom I toured with some and took pictures) what they had already started doing ... you gotta own your own and get on the Internet and maximize your visibility ... there is no such thing as record contract anymore or waiting to sign on the dotted line.
Guy needed to do the same thing ... and I think he wanted to ... but ... there are a lot of geeks out there ... not a single one that can put together 2 cd-roms (or 3 or 4) and a microphone, and then record these with a mp3 tool (you can get it free on the internet) ... and plug it ... and I am positive that Guy is capable of putting together the computer systems ( I have them now Guy ... come on over!!!) and then find a place to accept it, and not charge an exhorbitant fee ... I would even go so far as to see if we could get the musicians themselves to do promos for a trade off ... so Guy could do this ...
But it is not likely to happen ... I'll tell you why ...
The biggest secret to Guy's comedy ... and it showed in our own apartment more than once, was when you let him flip on his insanity and no one could see it ... and in that way he could rehearse it himself and then ... unload it on us, the unsuspecting audience. In this way he also would play off his memories and experiences that afflicted him ... be it a movie, a show, a person ... anything ... which added a large amount of freshness to his comedy material ... the good side of this is that you would fall off your chair laughing so hard ... the bad side was that there were times when the political jusdgment/commentary was ... pushing it a bit far ... and something that in the Bush era's would not be acceptable and only get him in trouble ... and I'm not sure that you can keep a Spike Milligan down, or Peter Sellers, or Chuck Jones, of Mel Blanc ... or a Guy Guden ... you can only contain them for so long.
But it was always a dichotomy ... no one but him ... can ever explain the connection between The Goons, and Klaus Schulze ... Edgar Froese maybe since he has a connection to that surrealistic thing ... which his music doesn't btw!!! -- not at least like FAUST (for example).
I do think of Guy, now that I am 58 ... as very DALI'esque ... in both comedy, acting and presentation ... he is not afraid to experiment (witness the weirdness and all the stuff he did on radio no one else did) ... and this ... of all things was what radio does not have, has never had ... and Sirius/XM will never have ... because the extent of their "talent" is not about "the art" or "the music" ... it's about Howard, or Martha ... like they needed to do the same thing over and over again for your benefit!
Progressive, Experimental stuff and thing (as Guy would say) ... is never going to get better and better and be more visible, until all the progarchives, progrocks and what not ... accept someone like Guy ... that can be a "personality" that is capable of putting them on the air and make them more visible.
But sadly ... like everything else ... the Internet is as much about information as it is about mis-information ... and I don't think that Guy is wanting to do it anymore ... I would move to where he is with all my computers and wash dishes if I had to ... if we had a chance to get things going on the Internet ... specially now that bandwidth is a lot less of an issue than it was 15 years ago. But I am not sure that he has the energy or the heart to do this anymore ... he took a massive beating physically and health wise ... because there were unsavory types around him many times ... and it was not a pleasant sight to see on occasion!
For all intents and purposes, when I saw him last in 1999 ... he looked good, and seemed well. But between you and I ... another KTYD ... which paid less than I made as a cook to help pay rent ...
There you have it ... my ancillary name was Chef Bruno (at least so I thought!) ... otherwise my name is Pedro ... I go by Moshkito or Moshkiae these days, both names based on Aldous Huxley, and one was a Bard character created in Everquest, where I did a lot of poetry and published several Bard poetry issues ... and Moshkito was the World of Warcraft equivalent. I don't play those that much anymore but the names mean something to me -- personally.
Yes, I hope that he can return ... but it will take a heck of a lot more than talk and hope ... and he certainly deserves more than for his work. 

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: songdog
Date Posted: December 26 2008 at 21:07
I'm so glad to find out that "Guy Guden's Space Pirate Radio" actually happened and that I wasn't crazy back in grade school. Back then I was a city boy that got moved to the deserted outback of Santa Barbara county. On cold clear nights I found I could climb to a fairly high point near where I was and tune in far away stations like Dr D. One Sunday Night late I still had battery in my portable radio and scanned around. I found this oddity of music with crazy overdubs and wild adventures. I told my parents, and my few friends (remeber I was a new kid out of the city in cuyama , which is NOT anything like Santa Barbara) about my new find and they thought me crazy. I've never been the same since! Every Sunday at midnight there after I made the same trek to tune in "Guy Guden's Space Pirate Radio" until I graduated High School in 82. (Mondays sucked BTW). I am now an actively employed audio engineer and work at Cal Poly SLO and I in part owe it to Guy for streaching my imagination out to the point of breaking! I so often reflect back on those shows (in my mind) when looking for a creative twist.
I think to my self, " what would Guy Guden do?"

Thanks for the memories!
I would love to re-introduce his shows of the past or any of the future to KCPR, the cal poly radio station.
hell, I'll do the graveyard shift my self!


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: December 31 2008 at 13:18
As far as I know, Guy is living in Santa Maria ... what he is doing these days ... I have no idea ... have not received an email from him in eons ...
I can tell you that 30 years later, there still is no radio half as good as that ... I can also honestly say that the variety of music has never been duplicated and I am not sure that it ever will.
I listen to a few channels on Live 365, and they have the potential, but not sure they would know the difference between a Space Pirate Radio and just another show ... they are nice, but way too repetitive. And there is too much music out there to have to be repetitive ... so it becomes a matter of choice and desire.
I think that Guy is tired of dealing with folks that have ideas about music and radio, but it is all centered around their top ten ... not music itself. And this is the problem with Sirius/XM in my book as well as any other station out there.
Just for kicks, I showed up at KBOO here in Portland and asked what were the chances of doing something on the air ... and the lady in charge there asked me ... what was the social relevance of what I wanted to do after I talked about music and what I had been close to with Space Pirate Radio, my endeavours touring and photographing a couple of these famous bands, and then wanting to play "something that radio did not have" ... I might as well have spoken to a brick wall, when she asked that ... I got up and didn't say anything ... and just left. I don't want to deal with those people either!
In the end there are a lot of compromises that need to be made ... Guy, for all intents and purposes, was rather serious about his desire to take his show and its meaning, which to him were more spiritually inclined than anything else, while his comedy bits and writing was more of a display of his witty nature and often fun persona.
It reminds me of seeing Magma in San Francisco ... and the 15 minutes standing ovation ... I think there were more tears in that minute and appreciation for music that is out there -- which Guy played so much and so many times, that I was hoping Christian Vander would thank Guy after that show. Sorry.
I doubt I will hear Guy again, ever, on radio, or in person ... and yes, it saddens me terribly ...
But there is not enough care or desire to hear something different out there ... if there was, I guarantee you Guy would be out there. A Sirius or XM or Live 365 would have called by now ... or someone else.
You know what this reminds me of? I posted in another thread ... the ending of the movie "Woodstock" .... top me this has always been symbolic about what it all meant ... nothing ... only trash ... and here was an artist trying to lift it up and make it meaningful ... and only a few people saw it ... and still today ... that is the one Jimi Hendrix that no one remembers ... everyone talks about the blues and this and that ... but never about his intelligence and what was the most meaningful moment of our (Guy and mine's) time ...
It was an important show ... but it did not mean much to too many ... that were only interested in the drugs or the sex or the rock'n'roll and nothing else.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: guitarman5
Date Posted: January 03 2009 at 10:31
I was an avid listener of Space pirate radio and used to also record the radio shows.  unfortunately, I loaned my recordings to a friend who never returned them.  What a great program that was and so rich with material, Bill Nelson, Tangerine Dream, Michael Froom, Steve Roach, talk talk, Roxy music..  I listened to the show on KTYD from 1982 thru the late 80's.  I believe he was on Saturday at midnight originally, then changed to Sundays nights.  I search the internet from time to time to see if there are people out there who have recordings or information and this is the first post that I found that seems promising.  If anyone out there has recording of SPR that I could get a hold of, or program information, please contact me. 


Posted By: misterdirk
Date Posted: January 04 2009 at 17:14

Hi folks,

Thanks for shared memories about SPR. Reading over your notes makes me really pine for a show like Guy's, which was one of a kind as we know. I listen to internet audio all day and night, and the worldwide explosion of sound is like paradise for me, but I still hold a fond place in my heart for the memory of SPR and Guy Guden's unique world.

The sense I got from talking things over with Guy was that he was making Art, and he valued the Art over any other consideration. It's pretty ironic that his chosen medium was radio, which is one of (if not "the") most cravenly mercenary industries. That's why I was so excitedly motivated to get in touch with him when the web started opening up, because I saw it as a perfect way for him to flourish artistically without all of the BS at the radio stations. A window of opportunity has passed since then, but I still think we're in the early days of networked media and Guy could absolutely still do it now if he went for it.

As I mentioned, I have some cassettes of partial shows from the late 80s/early 90s. I don't actually have a player at the moment, but I could probably round something up and digitize a few bits of the shows from here and there. I don't want to tread on any copyright issues, so I'll just do some excerpts, for "review" purposes, and post them at Look for those in the next couple of months.

Out of respect to Guy, I don't want to hoist the name spacepirateradio into anything other than his show. If he wants to get it going again, then I'd be thrilled to sign it over to him and bless the endeavor. If not, then maybe it will have to lie dormant, or be a repository for our memories.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 16 2009 at 10:41
Originally posted by guitarman5 guitarman5 wrote:

I believe he was on Saturday at midnight originally, then changed to Sundays nights.  
The very first set of shows were after Joe Collins' Miles High at 2AM in the morning on Mondays.
This changed later to 1AM and then Midnight, with Joe's show before it.   
From about 1975 or so on, most of the shows were pretty much 6 hours long until Larry Johnson, or Ray Breer (Brier?) would come in the morning.
Sometime in that period, Guy became one of the backups and alternates, and eventually was given Friday and Saturday nights (Saturday and Sunday mornings actually).
To my ears, there are some "dailies" he did that were ... out of this world ... I have a couple of them:
Carfax Abbey (for Halloween)
Dis-Orient Express (for the Ides of March)
Christmas (self explanatory)
The Real Don Steel (April Fool's)
at least one or more Halloween Shows in different years
I really have to finish the spreadsheet I have!
Even though the Halloween "specials" are fun and specially enjoyable, my favorites of them all still are the "Mind Melts" (as I called them -- might have been Guy's word for them -- don't remember properly) ... and the insanity and fun madness in them coupled with sound effects, music, craziest stuff in the world .... I always thought that "Revolution #9" was cool and (to me!) quite self explanatory and a massively good snap shot of the times and era ... you took a camera and snapped 20 seconds apart ... and there you have it. Guy did the same thing, and in my book was probably a bit more focused and less "Godard'ian" in the "laissez-faire" department of the creativity. On top of these he would add some of his own comedy bits that made these ... special ... and while it could take away from the background sound/music/effects, more often than not they complemented things ... which focused the thinking and energies better. In general, in those days, many folks might have thought that it was simply "ston'y" radio, but I can tell you that by that time Guy and I had already "graduated" ... we got really mad when Reagan said ... "let them smoke dope .. I'll win all the elections" ... the fudger knew exactly what he was doing!
There were times when things were decidedly weird and strange ... but even then, for me personally, it has been very rare to see/hear these and think of them as "abstract" ... when it comes to acting, theater, film and in general any of the arts ... there is very little that is abstract in it, and Guy is one of those folks ... he does not usually do anything because it does not mean anything ... even his comic timing is a normal reaction to our slow-ness and his ability to sink in and swim on our wavelengths. The same applied to radio and his choices of music and themes ...
The best part of this was his mercurial ability to shift and match themes and create whole shows around a specific theme and have more stuff based on those specifics than just 2 songs on your regular radio station ... if he ever did a teacher/student thing, I can tell you that even Van Halen and what's his name would blush! And I will bet you that the comedy bit would be a take off on the twit song about the teacher! Of course it won't happen now that I said it ... but something like it would be there.
And that was the beauty of the way he worked.
But he needed the space to do this ... in a formulaic station that couldn't give a darn about his opinions ... this would be a major problem.
But on the internet ... Guy ohh Guy ... there is no better place for it!
f**k radio ...

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: January 17 2009 at 13:17
I have read the much-expanded array of posts.
There is too much to absorb.
My short story is:
I visited Guy several times at his residence, and I purchased some of the records and a few CD's he played, along with some Dr. Demento shows from 1992 and 1993 ( WESTWOOD ONE shows on LP's,
and ON THE RADIO shows on CD's).
One of the neater acquisitions I made was three PERU CD's with autographed inserts; I got the titles Guy didn't have from someone way back east, and she was able to get the inserts for those autographed for me, so all of the PERU CD's I have include autographed inserts. The main problem is: Who in the U.S., outside of those who heard SPR, has ever heard of that band?
What I am most interested in for now is how to contact Guy. I don't have any address, PO box, phone, or other info to go on.

Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: January 17 2009 at 14:12
Another thought:
I believe one reason why Guy's comedy bits work so well is that his absurd sense of humour combines rather favourably with his lack of fear in delivering a live-on-air improvisation.
This shows his confidence in his material, and rightly so.
One thinks easily of Jonathan Winters and Robin Williams.
Guy may have a narrower range, and less time to practice, than either of them, but I have laughed harder at some of Guy's efforts than I have at any Winters or Williams bit.
For me, two "champions of comedy" are Chef Bruno, fat as he is, disguising himself as a hat rack, and Oscar B. Chow being sexually excited by small appliances. Both of these ideas still crack me up when I think of them.
We miss SPR because it was fun.  Although we may never find its like again, we have our memories (and some of us have recordings) that  will serve us for a while, at least. Even if that's all we have, it's better than nothing.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 19 2009 at 12:13
I think I directed Guy once or twice but only in a scene, not a play. I also helped design some of the work for his plays at SBCC, "Void in Wisconsin" and "Nothing is Sacred". Later, I was not a part of "Casanova's Lips", which was also a big hit at SBCC. Somewhere arounf this time, I helped co-produce his album as well.
He was not a tough actor to work with as he always knew his lines faster than others and that helped prepare him much better than otherwise. But he had/has a keen sense of reaction ... that is pretty close to that of Spike Miligan and Peter Sellers. He did like Jonathan Winters. Not sure he liked Robin Williams, although things like GMVietNam is almost the same kind of thing and stuff that Guy had to put up with for a long time.
His Chef Bruno, may have started with me around 1975, as I was working as one of the Chef's at a dinner house in Santa Barbara on a temporary basis (The Bull Market) ... and then moved on to work at JK Frimples for many years (same company). Guy would not eat much of my cooking ... he was one of those people that could only eat his own meal, even if it was his own mac and cheese. But my mom liked serving him, and he liked visiting mom's house in Santa Barbara (over 40k books of Portuguese/Brazilian and Spanish literature ... which probably helped give him another idea or two. Specially voices and accents. He could do a really nice impression of my father ... and mother as well. And his version of my father was very funny!
When we shared that 1 room closet on Chapala ... you know who our best friend was, right? A TOASTER .... if you cooked anything else other than boil a cup of water for tea, the whole place might catch on fire or wake up the neighborhood .... but Altair 4 ... was where it all got moving forward!
Stories ... I have so many that Guy would probably think I'm embarasing him ... but these days I bet he loves it a lot and laughs at it.
I did think that radio became his only chance ... he was a superb actor, but the political theater stage in Santa Barbara, like Hollywood, meant that he would not get the better and meaty parts that would gave him the attention he deserved. And that left him having to over work himself by writing things and creating a couple of stage opus' that were good for his "oevre", got great reviews (Max Whittaker at SBCC is god!) ... but he could not break into the greater circle for bigger and better parts. It's too bad ... that circle could have done a lot more with people like him ... and he could do one thing that most actors could not ... he could do Shakespeare, Ionesco, Albee, PeterSellers, Stoppard ... and no one would even know/recognize that was him ... his greatest compliment I ever saw was backstage for "Abelard and Heloise" ... (he wanted to do Abelard originally) ... and someone said ... oh my god, look at how young he is.
His acting, as far as I can tell, was almost always centered on his voice elements -- as it had been for Peter Sellers - his hero. He could adjust physical anything to that easily enough. It's a shame that what's his name is doing Closeau now ... if they ever saw Guy's Closeau, that _______ would be put out on the street to go walk his dog! And Guy's Closeau was NOT a copy ... was a great extension. His best example of some of his acting, that should be heard, was his "Dis-Orient Express" series of shows, doing an imitation of Peter Ustinov in that one famous set of shows ... (Poirot) ... but unlike ____'s or Ustinov, Guy was way more instinctive and able to skate through just about anything ... and this he did with sound effects in his bits ... there are many times, and I mean MANY TIMES ... when the comedy bit accidentally continue and he is able to continue and not miss a beat ... most actors have already "stopped" by that time and get caught ... and I think he fine tuned that ability via the sound effects and playing with them, backwards, forwards and what not ... if you only knew what a ____ sounded like backwards!!! It extends the comedy ... and this was Peter Sellers secret with Spike Milligan ... the sound effects extended the "reality" ... and Guy knew that ... thus many actors try to stretch a scene via ad-libs and rehearsals, and these often fall flat ... if you "have" the wavelength, it never falls flat regardless.
So you can guess what Guy did with his voice stylings. I think he thought radio might help Him get into film better, and instead it all became something else ... I think he gave up his stage/film dreams ... but when I saw him in 1999 he looked much better than when I had seen him in 1995 prior.
Gawd .. can't believe I wrote this much !!! ... but it tell you one thing ... he was worth it and always will be ... this was not just a radio dj trying to get famous!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: January 20 2009 at 13:27
I brought a list with me this time.
The complete shows I have are:
1988    Nov. 14
1989    Aug.  21   28
             Sept. 11   18    25
             Oct.    02   09   16    23   30
             Nov.   06   13    20   27
             Dec.   04   11   18    25
1990    Jan.   01    08   15   22   29
              Feb.  12    19   26
              Mar.   05   12   19   26
              Apr.    02
1991    Aug. 26
1994   June 13
The compilations I have are from shows in the period  1991 Sept. 02   to  1994 Feb. 07, 
and a few after that.
The last dated info I have handy is for  2001 Sept. 24. I believe that is the last show I have anything from.

Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: January 26 2009 at 17:20
Space Pirate Radio started   January 27, 1974.
It's likely that Guy would have been celebrating a bit this morning, if the show was on.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: February 04 2009 at 12:28
My first recording was a couple of weeks after that ... how well I remember it! Like yesterday ... gosh ... I don't even remember the date of the first show I have ... I'll let you know soon enough ... and list the work.
The 1st show I have was from the week that PFM's The World Became the World came out in the West Coast .... and that is the opening cut of the show. I think it is either the 3rd or 4th week of March or so.
Now you got me in tears ... that was a real special time for me ... goodness ... 34 years ago!

Posted By: felixthecat
Date Posted: March 13 2009 at 21:50
Hi All,
I Did not know if youall know about his LP Guy did  "Guy Guden Space Pirtate Radio" from 1978 with about 17 of his comdy bits.  I bought my copy used from Morning Glory Record in Isla Vista in the earl eighties.  It is a pretty good sample of his stuff.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: March 18 2009 at 11:23
Haha ... I put up the money for that and my name is on it ... and still have a couple of copies left.
That same year I put together on cassette a compilation of comedy bits from the many recordings I had ... and on one birthday show, Guy played like 3 hours of it (maybe it was 20  ... and he finally said ... he had to stop it ... it was an overload ... and it was ... but it was fun.
I'm considering putting these together again, now that I can mix and match these better and have more fun ... still can't sell them ... but I'm sure we can all enjoy the love and laughter ... and I think that Guy ... for once can look at us and say ... thank you ... and I will say the same. And if he doesn't say it a la Spike Milligan I will demand a translation on the spot and give away the money to the Genghis Khan Ducks Appreciation Society.
If anyone deserves a pat in the back, he really does! If anything ... I'm sure that he would enjoy knowing that there are folks that appreciate some of the fine work he did ... now if we can tie him up, force him to walk that plank and get his mouth near another microphone .... and I don't mean do another NL!

Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: March 19 2009 at 15:56
I got a copy of the LP from Guy himself. 
As to its content, I really prefer things I heard on shows in the 1980's and 1990's.
Preferences are personal, of course, rather than universal.

Posted By: seaotter
Date Posted: June 27 2009 at 04:03

I listened to Guy Guden's SPR back in the early and mid-80s.  I was captured from the very first show I heard.  His comedy was okay though I considered him bitingly funnier in person.  His wit was sharp and brief.  I wrote a short biography of him that he seemed to like.  I recorded a dinner conversation with him and mostly transcribed that conversation.  He liked it.  I wish I still had a copy of it.  The music he played was incredible, nothing short of incredible.  I had to have it.  I was successful in finding some of the Klaus Schultz stuff, the Tangerine Dream stuff, but the incredible Mark Shreve stuff has always eluded me.  Can you or anyone help me locate some of that musician's '80s music?

I struggled to help Guy switch to video, a video version of SPR that would've been perfect for VH-1 or M-TV; Space Pirate Video, a show broadscast from the Moon featuring videos by Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd, et cetera, and even introduced him to producers in LA who introduced us to other musical/video production types but Guy would sabotage himself by tardiness.  He was professional enough to impress these people but it was all to no avail, usually because he was incapable of compromise that he thought negated his artistic ideals.  He uncompromised himself into obscurity.  Begging and pleading with him was futile.  He had a strange ability to destroy his support network.  My last meeting with him was at some hamburger place in Santa Barbara, sitting on a patio where I bought him lunch with my last $15 dollars.  He thanked me by insulting me non-stop for the duration of the lunch.  I was so angry I didn't reply and walked away never to see him again.  He left Santa Barbara radio shortly after that last bitter meeting and I lost track of him at that point.  I still have his tapes and listen to them often; in fact, I'm listening to them right now.  He introduced me and others to some of the most fun and beautiufl music ever produced by contemporary artists and I thank him for that.  I remember music by Bryan Ferry and Kate Bush.  When he went off the air at his last Santa Barbara station I began listening to Musical Starstreams and Hearts Of Space on other stations.  Their music was okay, sort of, and their playlists were more informative, but it wasn't the same as the music Guy played for all those tri-county night owls, night-shift workers and insomniac students at SBCC and UCSB.  I'm sorry he never got his Peter Sellers book published or possibly even written.  I am not surprised to learn in this forum that he had been beaten severely by some unsavory characters he had associated with.  Guy was always good at provoking people.  Sounds like he might have provoked the wrong ones.   I felt like punching him at our last meeting, him being such the ingrate and all, but thought it best to just take my leave of him.  He was rich in potential for artistic success but was his own worst enemy.  I would very much appreciate information on how to get copies of some of his shows.  I'm mostly interested in the music he played, not so much his comedy bits.  His repartee was better.  If anyone can turn me on to a site where I can buy some Mark Schreve music it would be just grand to hear from you.  I wish Guy well.  I bear no hard feelings.  He is who he is.  I'm so glad I found this forum.


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: July 04 2009 at 13:25
There is a side to this that I agree with ... and yes, one could say that at times I thought that Guy was being a bit of a megalomaniac and needed to grow up past the chocolate bar ... but that is not for me to say, or judge. I don't thing that he is that bad, as a person at all, and he is one of those folks that always inspires people around him.
In general, during the many years with him, he was not quite the tardy type, but I left Santa Barbara in 1982 for a new world and life ... as Santa Barbara had lost it for me and it just was not getting any more fun.
While, over the years I can say that I have found myself ok, and I am a writer for the most part, the days with Guy will always be special, as will the music. But that said, yeah ... there were always bits here and there that were annoying.
Like saying I am not. Or you are not ...
Fame was a funny bitch ... and I kinda think that Guy, despite all his ... talents ... whatever ... I have an idea as to why this was so ... but that is an idea, and probably has nothing to do with music or radio or anything else.
The sad moral of the story ... is that many "artists" are thought to be troubled ... and a lot of their work seems to come out of that ... I was able to help Guy enjoy the more surrealistic stuff (I was into Bunuel/Dali film and literature) and a lot of the stuff on radio was not that good by comparison, and this, I have to admit that Guy took to it all OK ... but he was well aware of many of these things already, so it was not a real surprise for him.
As to the anger, in a recent email he said ... "I've made so many enemies" ... and the only reply I had for him was the Pogo cartoon ... which he also liked ... and Ma said "We's met the enmy! It is US". And all I could say gently was ... just look at the mirror Guy and for once don't make a face ... go ahead and cry ... the only person you really dislike and hate is yourself! You can then, decide, who and what you want to be!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: seaotter
Date Posted: July 04 2009 at 16:30
Thank you for taking the time to write.  It is very much appreciated.  Take care and continue enjoying what music you recorded.  I'm doing the same.
Daniel Hayes Pearson
Space Pirate Emeritus 


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: July 08 2009 at 14:48
From the beginning, I taped most of the stuff that I did not have ... and usually when Guy and I, or any other variation upon a theme would visit Moby Disk or any other option, we rarely got the same things and in a way this was intentional ... I did have different tastes having come from a house with over 2k albums of classical music and opera ... but, I also enjoyed his comedy and was a part of both major productions that he did at SBCC ... and I still have a cassette of "Casanova's Lips" ... which I have to admit ... I have not tried to mp3 yet ... for some oddball stupid reason!
(In general, Warehouse in Westwood was great for Soundtracks and  Comedy - where a lot of Goons, PC and DM and etc came from, Tower on the strip originally was fabulous for independents like Peter Hammill, and oddities, Moby Disk was the best for German and English ... and later better on Italians ... we had to kick them to get French sometimes, etc etc etc etc ... )
But I did salvage the first "Viva La Fiasco" ... and "The Real Don Robot" from that huge April Fools day show that KTYD used to do. Both still sound stupendous ... and I love the advert he does with Focus in the background ... that is Guy at his very best and is "Guy" ... the truest Guy there is.
You know what is funny and bizarre? In the modern age of the computer he can do his comedy even better and sell it ... and not have to feel like he can not be the artist he wants ... but as I said before, I do not know that he knows what he wants ... he gets bored easily and it was one of the things that helped Space Pirate Radio more than anything ... no boredom there ... he was not going to repeat it unless he could make fun of it, which he did many times on his own comedy and adventures (another story!).
Ans specially today he could be as biting as he wants and there is a market for it ... and even go do some stand up stuff ... he's very much a Woody Allen type for my mind's eye ... he can do stand up and people would just die laughing off his stories.
I think the radio personality thing hurt him. If he had stuck with theater and made a serious attempt at film, he probably would have made it as an actor ... but the radio fame, the girls, and the lousy pay and bills probably bit him badly ... and made it tough to go to NY or LA and starve for a role ... so to speak. At least that is what I see ...
Being a writer and an artist in my own way, it is easy to see/say something that might be considered better or otherwise look like a better choice. Guy's good work in my time was based so much on his freedom and the fact that Mr. Whittaker knew that it would sell out and help the theater's status ... for his acting had garnered some pretty envious reviews ... unfortunatelly the Lobero thought that stars were not local ... just from some imaginary Hollywood! And taking advantage of local talent and  milking it to give them a better name in the arts was never gonna happen ... and it didn't.
I probably was not a good influence, and neither was it him meeting and getting to know my dad ... specially when he had so many juicy stories about so many writers and their independent streak ... which was the side that my dad was on ... and I'm on ... and Guy was a sort of a defining presence that helped me define my own ... in this sense I gained more from him that he could possibly gain from me, other than pay rent for a couple of years ... for which he feels embarassed and I have told him there is nothing to be embarassed about ... we gave it a shot and tried ... it's all we can do!
Vive La Trance!

Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: July 28 2009 at 20:06
Wow.    Finally, some more posts.
On the few occasions I visited Guy, I found him to be very closed-up
about a lot of personal matters. I didn't press him for information.
I frequently called and talked to him during the show;
several times I was on the phone with him for over an hour,
and had to wait while he did station ID's during the call.
He was a bit more open then, but only a bit.
I guess I should have recorded the phone calls in addition to recording the shows.

Posted By: kurthu
Date Posted: November 04 2009 at 13:38

At UCSB 1981-1983, I faithfully tuned into SPR and turned a number of my friends on to it.  Some of my greatest treasures are the cassette recordings that I made of the show.

I have three partal shows from 3/7/1983, 3/14/1983, and 5/2/1983 long since converted to MP3 and I listen to them all the time - including right now!  Somewhere I have a copy of Guy's album too.  I met him once in one of the Santa Barbara or IV record shops and was somewhat starstruck.
You guys should take your memories and create a Wikipedia entry for Guy / SPR.  Some sharing of MP3's would be awesome too!

Posted By: guitarman5
Date Posted: November 04 2009 at 14:48
Hey Kurthu
Welcome.  I too used to be an avid listener of SPR and religious about recording the shows.  However, in turning on a friend to the music, I loaned all my tapes and never got them back.  Anyway, I would love to hear your MP3's or know who the artists were.  I have been searching for the music guy used to play .  I have been somewhat successful.  Any chance of exchanging some music?  You can reply to me directly at mailto:[email protected] - [email protected]


Posted By: Apollo
Date Posted: November 14 2009 at 04:52
Please stop taking credit for Guy's work. You never directed him. I was in Casanova's Lips. I knew Guy longer than you and have heard nearly all of his various eras of shows. I knew him from before he started the show and have remained in contact with him over the years. Much more sporadically in recent years, though. I was involved with Love Rides The Rails, too. I've seen him in Nothing Is Sacred & Arsenic & Old Lace. I have many recordings of his shows from the 70's all the way up to the current decade including playlists. I have the album signed by him and many artifacts from theatre to radio. I also own quite a bit of his record collection and have kept up with prog music since the 70's. We have always been the best of friends. Although, when I did radio at UCSB's station KCSB, he thought I was copying his style until I convinced him that it was a tribute to my mentor. I started as The Space Ace and then a decade later did Pioneers Over C. He still lives in Santa Maria with his wife and does not do his show anymore. The radio battle is long since over. But, he has lost none of his wit. It's all still there. I wish he would return too. But it is not to be. Believe me I've tried to recreate the experience of that landmark show many times for my own entertainment. I lost many hours of sleep. I simply continue to support the music that I've loved since first hearing Space Pirate Radio. I've attended concerts and still collect many of the same artists he used to play. I consider myself to have one of the largest collections of Gong, Klaus Schuze, Tangerine Dream, Can, Amon Duul 2, Caravan, Camel, Gentle Giant, Nektar, Ash Ra Tempel, Ange, Kraan, Faust, Magma, Man, King Crimson, Banco, PFM, Le Orme, Kraftwerk, Hawkwind, Guru Guru, Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd, Van Der Graaf Generator, Helden, Kevin Ayers, Mike Oldfield, Robert Wyatt, Kayak, Sadistic Mika Band, Kate Bush, Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, The Goon Shows, Popol Vuh, Alan Stivell, and the list goes on. You may have been his roomate for a time, but I've carried on with the music and humor that influenced all of our tastes. So let this set the record straight. Thanks Ying Yang
Paul B 

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: November 28 2009 at 06:24
Originally posted by Apollo Apollo wrote:

Please stop taking credit for Guy's work. You never directed him. I was in Casanova's Lips. ...Ying Yang

I don't credit myself for directing him in actual productions and never will. I did say I did a lot of the technical elements in them ...

I find it strange that you are trying to make it sound like there is competition here between you and I and there is none ... Guy was not a mentor to me ... but he was a good enough friend, for whom I paid rent -- willingly -- so he would have a chance to do some radio and also write and direct the plays he did ... both Void in Wisconsin and Nothing is Sacred had a lot of their bits sprung  on me, but then so did a lot of the famous Dracula production we did in that Cabaret ... for which both him and Tom Zeiher became quite well known ...

So you can have the credit for your mentor ... I'm not into Gods myself, and Guy was, and is, a person that I happen to like and appreciate for a lot of things ... mostly of an artistic nature.  I had already been around literary Gods, that were much higher up on a scale and weight ... and quite frankly, they were not as heavy as Guy was in terms of artistry ... but they were huge, and still are!  Oh, and famous dad had his remains brought to Portugal recently to be buried with other Portuguese dignitaries, as the National Library of Portugal traded that for a whole bunch of stuff from our house in Santa Barbara ... I love Guy as much as you do, and artistically so ... but when it comes to Gods ... sorry! Guy was Guy and one of the best friends I had and did not mind paying the gas to go to Moby Disk so I could get a Tangerine Dream, or a new Ange, or something new he could play on his show as well ... something that I am sure you helped him do later, I imagine, and yes for longer than I did.

The rest is not necessary, and who cares anyway ... you?

We had a really good talk when we met -- accidentally -- in San Francisco with his wife ... where I was one of the shows official photographers, and was doing Gong at the time for the third time. ... he and Elizabeth were there for Porcupine Tree if I remember it correctly. 1999.

Ohh, and yes, I'm still at it with all the music, although it is annoying to me (and to you probably) that it tends to all be labeled as "prog" ... it's just music, and really good music at that ... and yes, I still have the shows and have just recently turned them into mp3's but will not share them with anyone unless I have Guy's personal permission and it will have to be in writing.  I've often wanted to trade up some shows with you so we could have a more complete library, but we have not been able to connect ... and I find the animosity weird for some reason. We, both, at different times, did our best ... is there anything else?

For all intents and purposes I have not stood still since that time. I am, for the most part these days, a writer, which I was before as well. You can find a lot of my poetry on the Ygdrasil Journal of Poetic Arts, and at least 200 foreign/art film reviews on the Internet Movie Database and a lot more ... and ... over 250 more to put up! ... where did the time go? ...

The show was important, and you and I know that ... and the stories? ... well, they usually become myths and then professors talk about it you know ... you went to college and graduated too!  You and I and many others helped him the best we could ... so the show and other things could happen ... and in the end, the only thing that matters, Paul ... is ... we did it! ... and it was good ... and it was very good ... and Guy was even better.

And for the record - in my words -  ... you should really be proud ... that your mentor is remembered so fondly! And I am proud that I went broke ... but dang' it ... I tried to help ... even by putting up the money for an album! Am I complaining? NEVER! ... and yes, you were one of the actors at SBCC at that time, taking Mr. Whittaker's classes while I took Technical Theater because my English stunk! I wanted to do Film ... but couldn't.

If it matters, I have done a film with Kevin Ayers music with his permission, have done a poem with Anthony Phillips in the background, and am working on a third film right now ... and yes ... I am trying to see if I can raise enough money to do a film ... with Guy -- and this time he will get paid! Will he do it? ... I have no idea ... and yes, time is getting shorter however ... he's 60 and I'm 59! ... there's still hope for us all, Paul ... and yes, I would also hire you for the production ... you are an honored member of the club ... am I allowed to say that?
And for the record .. yes I DID direct Guy ... at least once.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Apollo
Date Posted: December 03 2009 at 00:12

Thank you for your reply, Pedro. But, I was asked by Guy himself to respond to your posts. I think the animosity comes from him. I really don't know that much about what you've done except for what I was told. I don't worship him either. but he is responsible for the majority of my exposure to this great music. I consider us still the best of friends but he chooses not to keep in touch but once every other year. I know he has been reading your posts but doesn't want to reply himself. You can reach me at mailto:[email protected] - [email protected] I'm gald you were able to do some work using music from Kevin Ayers and Anthony Phillips. I am big fans of them both, too. I just love talking about this stuff and I wish Guy would keep in contact. At least, Elizabeth had been more diligent. It was nice to see her again at the recent local Jon Anderson show in Santa Barbara. Drop me a line.


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: December 15 2009 at 16:08
The thing that is saddest of all ... and I mentioned it to Guy at that concert in the Bay Area ... is that a lot of those bands owed Guy a big thank you ... a heck of a lot more than just a big thank you ... and I don't think he ever got the credit he deserved -- somehow the passing of crabs from a rock star was more important I guess!
Considering the state of radio and all the crap out there and lack of ability and desire for anyone to play anything except top ten ... someone like Guy is needed and badly ... but I am so sorry that he has some kind of feelings inside that he is not capable of discussing or replying to ... that's really sad ... and I will question what he is hiding from  ... and why ... 
Oh well, I guess I'll have to write the unauthorized biography ... but I am not sure that there is an audience for a discussion on albino nuns and their toaster habits! ... heck, I still like the English Muffin (whole wheat only now) with the Miracle Whip (Lite only) and a piece of cheese on top ... oven'd for a few minutes! .... and now I use some fancy cheese like Gouda or Brie ... and that's the extent of my bad food these days ... I only eat stuff from the Health Food store ... not skinny yet ... but getting slimmer .. finally!
Yeah ... but Guy ... where is the beacon now? ... did it die?
So you know ... it hasn't here ... I am looking to retire early (there is a possibility I will get a nice push here soon),  just so I have some time to write all these things down ... and book on music ... and a publisher in Portugal now wants my reviews on the classical directors of film ... and I would rather sit by the fire, on top of Gibraltar mountain, with a small cassette tape ... and listen ... one more time ... to the sound of the wind hitting the mountain ... as we play out loud ... another hour of Space Pirate Radio ...
Ohhh ... the ecstasy ... I'm about to cry! ... there are no movies that good, my friend ... EVER!
I sure hope all this was about the art and the music ... not just you ... but yes, you deserve the mention and then some!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: March 21 2010 at 15:11

For any of these folks that would like to check out what Guy Guden is doing ... you can get a little bit of fun and history from him ... no philosophy bowling yet ...

Enjoy it ... it's great to see him in action

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: July 09 2010 at 19:51
Originally posted by kurthu kurthu wrote:

You guys should take your memories and create a Wikipedia entry for Guy / SPR.  Some sharing of MP3's would be awesome too!
The sharing of the stuff on mp3's is probably never going to happen.
I have a whole bunch of it, over 300 hours, but Guy won't talk about it. I have the feeling that he feels that I have sold many copies already. I haven't!
Paul also has a pretty sizeable amount, I'm sure and he would be the librarian for the 2nd epoch (after the nuns of St. Guido's of course!) of the show, when I was no longer in Santa Barbara. Left in the fall of 1982.
I have not been able to share anything with Paul either, probably because of Guy's fears I presume.
I do not know if there are copyright issues here and have never checked with a lawyer. In general, where there is no money involved, the majority of cases fall apart in court. In this case it is done out of love and appreciation of music, and I am not sure that Guy wants to be sold, unless he is the doll and gets residuals off it. I actually have no issues with that, except that it would also open up legalistic stuff ... others may want the money! The FCC has not clarified the issues in regards to disk jockeys and their content, as far as I can tell.
But, unlike Guy's silence, I am honoring his wishes, even if I will never make a penny off it, or get any credit for it, or appreciation.
It's still the best radio ever!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: dmastous
Date Posted: July 12 2010 at 16:09

After starting this thread and seeing no reply after a month or so, I gave up on Prog Rock Archives until a few months ago.  On a lark, and another Google search on "Space Pirate Radio", I realized there was actually some serious and fantastic response in the past couple years.

Reading many of these posts gives me a sense that so much could have been, but was for only a while. Yes, the show was one of a kind, a work of "art" in and of itself. The songs are fantastic in their own right, but when added to the SPR mix they seemed to become more than the sum of their parts. My conversations with Guy always left me wish he could see the value of the internet as a medium for his show. No longer would he be gagged by profit hungry program directors and station owners. He could do what he wanted for as long as he wanted. I offered to host such a website, and he expressed interest via email, but nothing came of it. He seems to have a fear about the internet. Not of it, but of participating in it. So my SPR page has been nothing but a single page space for something to come.

I disagree with the notion that these shows should not be passed around for all to hear. I'd like to see something along the lines of the Tangerine Tree develop as a network. At the very least I would hope to see some sort of list of playlists available so I and others can make some attempt to recreate the mood and feeling of the shows.  I would dispense with the comedy bits, but that’s just my own taste. I do see strong Peter Sellers and Spike Milligan influence there. I’m sure Guy listened to a lot of the Goon shows back in the day, and it shaped his comedy tremendously. It’s a compliment that you can see the shadows of the Goons in his bits. But they are not up to Goon Show standards by a long way.

For my part, I've already said I would host a list of playlists on my SPR page. I would love to be a curator of shows, and show playlists. I have shows that I am thinking about posting in low quality MP3 to give people a taste of it. When I get the time, I intend to do just that. I believe I've communicated with Moshkito about 10 or 12 years ago, and it resulted in my getting a few shows that I still love to listen to now. They don't quite replace the ones that were swiped, but they do give me some listening pleasure now and then. I can attest to the FACT that he did not profit from the exchange. A few blank CDs for ones filled with musical heaven. I never got a chance to thank you for them, and would like to take this opportunity to do so. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

(or maybe it wasn’t Moshkito who did that favor for me…. maybe it was some anonymous Benedictine Monk Wink).

Part of the impetus for my putting these shows up would be to get them identified. I can find the artists and songs when there are lyrics, but I have no way to Google melodies (anybody at Google reading this?). I have no way of finding some of the ambient pieces unless I stumble on one of them, or something very similar and search that vein. As I recognize songs, or do a search on the lyrics of one, I add it to my own small attempt a creating playlist. They are along way from being complete due to the many ambient pieces as well as French, Spanish, Japanese, and other shows in languages I don’t fully recognize.

I hope one day, we can begin accomplishing some sort of catalog of SPR shows, and playlists before they are long gone, and the people who have memories of the show can no longer share them.  They would be lost forever and that would be just too bad. Cry


Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: July 14 2010 at 04:39
If you are going nuts about anything you heard and haven't been able to ID,
welcome to the surreal world of SPR!
Guy did offer playlists to anyone who sent him a SASE, but I never went to the trouble of getting any.
That'll teach me.
Instrumentals can be audibly matched if you can "correctly guess" who done 'em. (Rotsa ruck.)
Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, and certain others are fairly easy,
but there are some that seem to elude "discovery" no matter what you do.
I have just finished copying the 35 complete shows I saved,
and I was able to identify quite a lot of TD and a few KS items,
plus a few other things, because of what I have in my personal collection.
I have suspicions about some others, and I am about to check iTunes,
and possibly elsewhere, to attempt to find out what they are.
Then I get to start copying and relisting what is in the compilations I made.
Some hints for desperate space pirates:
Steve Roach   [by himself or with   Robert Rich   Kevin Braheny   Richard Burmer   Michael Stearns]
Michael Shrieve   [by himself or with   Steve Roach   or   Klaus Schulze]
David Sylvian & Holger Czukay          Harmonia          Peru (originally Nova)          Sheila Chandra
Harald Grosskopf          Edward Christmas          Alan Stivell          Frank Perry          Suzanne Ciani
Laurie Z.          Fred Becker          Jon Mark          David Parsons          Double Fantasy          Synergy
Peter Michael Hamel          Eberhard Schoener          Michael Hoenig          Anugama          Enya
Paul Horn         Ashra / Manuel Gottsching          Christopher Franke          Krishna Chakravarty
Dead Can Dance          This Mortal Coil          The Edge & Michael Brook          Sylvan Grey
Brian Eno & David Byrne          Propaganda          Jonn Serrie          Vangelis          Jean-Michel Jarre
Jean-luc Ponty          Andreas Vollenweider          Angelo Badalamente          Danielle Dax          Fuzzbox
Frank Chickens          Icehouse          Carlos Alomar          Cocteau Twins       Jon Hassell & Brian Eno            
I didn't start out intending to take up so much space with that, but I have more than the above,
and of course Guy played a vast number of others that I don't yet know about, or don't care about.

Posted By: MasterTracks
Date Posted: August 22 2010 at 23:09
I have a copy of "A Christmas Maggie". Guy Guden's parody he did one Christmas. Also have some SPR recordings in storage somewhere.

There used to be a newage newsgroup where you could post a snippet of music asking people to identify it. COX Cable recently stopped carrying newsgroups so I don't know if the newsgroup still exists.

Posted By: Specter
Date Posted: November 04 2010 at 15:55

I listened to Space Pirate Radio from 73 to 78 in Oxnard California.  When I first found it via a friend Luther Robinson it came on Saturday night at midnight I can’t remember the station but I was told it took over a Christian station when they lowered their power at midnight.  I’m not sure if it’s true or not but it sounded go to use.  In the 70’s we had two things going for us on Friday and Saturday nights other than all the parties.  First on Friday night at midnight came Don Kirshner's Rock Concert, we got to see upstart groups like the surfponks, hookers and top bands of the time.  I remember seeing Billy Idle on Don’s show before he was anybody.  Saturday night at midnight there was Space Pirate Radio I had run cables through the wall into me room from the stereo in the front room and would barrow my dad’s reel to reel tape recorder and plug the cables into a Y and then the recorder.  I’d go back to sleep knowing that the next day when I got home from school I could put on some head phones, smoke and cruise off into Space Pirate Radio land.  I first heard some of my favorite groups like Pink Floyd, Nektar, Synergistic music and lots more on that good old station.  Back then there were some good station around like KMET (a little bit of heaven 94.7 KMET tweedle dee) and KLOS that did play some of the good music of the day not just pop.  And then there was the Dr. D show on late night KMET or KLOS I can't remember which one he was on.  I can still remember Paraquat Kelly tell everyone on the air to remember to get your pot checked for Paraquat every day when he signed off the air in the afternoon.

I don’t think radio will ever be like it was back then, they all had their formats but there were so many different stations to listen too.  The DJ’s all had personality they didn’t just sit there and play off the recommended playlist it was almost like WKRP in Cincinnati for real.  Now no one bucks the system and good music is hard to find.

Well now that I’m off the soap box.

It’s nice to see that people still remember SPR.  I wish someone would put a collection of Don Kirshner's Rock Concert on Time Life DVD’s and Space Pirate Radio on a Time Life CD’s so I could just sit back and be again.

Posted By: AdmJedi
Date Posted: December 12 2010 at 00:56
Hello I also love Space Pirate Radio
I would always have it playing every time it came on and have tryed to find it again but...
And I have still get alot of the Music that was played on it and have quite a bit of it but would just love to get some copys of the shows if I could.

John Wayne said,
"If we want to keep these freedoms, we may have to fight again. God forbid, but if we do, let's always fight to win... Face the flag, son...and thank God it's still there."

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: February 25 2011 at 22:28
So here I am sitting in my room, it’s dark outside and there’s actually a possibility for snow tonight in the Santa Monica mountains above Newbury Park. In a way I’m feeling like I did in those early ‘80s when the familiar daytime world was enveloped by darkness and more obscure things abounded outside, including Space Pirate Radio. I never knew or talked to Guy, but was a fan of SPR which I found by just tuning around the more interesting side of the FM band at night between the larger signals. What luck! Things were different in the pre-internet days, radio could mean so much. His show used to reach my make-shift indoor antenna and into a reel to reel for times I did not stay awake. Sadly most of those reels are lost – only a couple of cassette copies survived for me. I’m glad Guy has started his blog and it was linked to from here (thank you Moshkito and thanks also to dmastous for starting this page – I’ve been quietly following along with intrepidation). I listened around the time of the 12th anniversary so I’m a latecomer. I do remember that poster contest with the first-prize being a CD player. I worked on a grand design of my own replete with LEDs but did not finish in time. I kept the poster project for years for nostalgic reasons but it too was lost in the shuffle of life. Now I see that poster on Guy’s January blog and it all comes flooding back, prompting this post. May I second the notion of dmastous’ Tangerine Tree effort if Guy is willing. If not then assembling a play list would at least keep the music we all loved in common from getting lost.

Posted By: dms1958
Date Posted: March 02 2011 at 23:04
OMG! I am so excited I found this forum. I too grew up listening to SPR and listened to it every Sunday night at midnight. So often I would fall asleep to it with my headphones on and be in a sureal dream state with the music.  For years I have been wondering what the intro was for the Show during the late 70's. I loved it and it always included  Bela Lugosis voice 'Listen to them, children of the night, what music they make.  Does anyone know the group and song that was most commonly used to open the show?

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: March 11 2011 at 02:03

O.K. so I’m loving Guy’s blog! All these things I never knew behind the scenes, at the roots of what reached out of Santa Barbara to become Space Pirate Radio (among other things). So little I had glimpsed behind the veil just listening early Monday mornings, but I always wondered: what kind of person could put on a radio show like this? Now I wish I had made the drive to S.B one of those broadcast nights. The thought crossed my mind many times back then. Sometimes it’s best to just boldly go – no plan in hand.

Funny thing about the cars in Guy’s past: my wife had the VW and I had the Fiero – I still have the Fiero. Why would somebody keep a Fiero? But I digress…

The Man From Uncle connection. The pun-intentionals. Those photos. The mental image of giant crabs crawling down Arlington Tower. Keep it coming!

For nostalgia’s sake here is just a" rel="nofollow - taste of the past

I have set the “Notify me of Replies” checkbox on this post so if anyone thinks this link should come down please reply to this post and down it will come. My intent is not to offend.

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: April 06 2011 at 00:39
We must never become "usual", remain unusual like the music, always new and exciting with no apologies Exclamation

Posted By: Caliman1964
Date Posted: January 04 2012 at 11:36
This is my first post. Finally, I found some SPR fans! I too share much of the stories mentioned here, but I won't go into all that now. What I am interested in is how this post started, about the music. As we know, we can't share the actual music, but we can help each other find the artist names and titles so we can buy them. So, I went through all the posts here and made a list of the artists listed in this thread. I then added more that I knew of from my collection and made a master list. I think the list is too big to post here so I made a page here:" rel="nofollow -
Likewise, much of the music from SPR that I know of was not Progressive (?) and does not belong here I guess.
I am a fan of Progressive music and plan to come back here.

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: January 04 2012 at 14:23

Hi Caliman1964!

Thanks for the effort of starting a nice looking web page and listing the artists disclosed so far. If I can assist you in this effort I will.

The "notify" setting on this forum brought me back, I've been absent for a while. I keep up with things in disparate time slices these days, but things are improving. And rumors there are of a legend once thought to be forgotten but now appearing at the fringes of attention in the new media; as if the Black Pearl drifted through a foggy interlude in a modern-day shipping lane.  It’s good to know he is alive and well and has lost none of his potency. Who knows, perhaps the archive effort may one day get a big boost if enough groundwork is prepared ahead of time. And imagine where things could go from there: weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! Music is still being made my friend, and I myself am out of the loop more than I care to be.
I agree with you about the SPR material going beyond what is generally labeled as Progressive. This music style name thing does bring people together online since we can search for the text, but I tend to forget about the labels once a connection is made. To me, that seems to be in true SPR spirit. And to Google a melody as dmastous suggested: I like the idea for different reasons, but it certainly would help if a way existed. Food for thought.

By the way, I like your avatar. Thumbs Up

Posted By: Caliman1964
Date Posted: January 04 2012 at 18:00
Hello Nada One, 
My avatar, yes, the blurry full moon. I think that fits me fine... So, I tried searching SPR out years ago, but not much around back then. But this is good now. I'm glad you like my effort and are willing to help. I checked out Guy's blog and rounded up all the artists he mentioned there from SPR and added them to the list. I also invited Guy into the loop via email, but he can relax and watch if he wants as he's done enough I think. So that page is done for now, I am happy with it. And yes, if I find more fun in this, I may start an original project involving other music from my collection. Maybe a web radio show. It can be easy to do if I keep getting green lights. Yes, there is a lot of great music yet to be shared and more to come. Imagine the possibilities, yes I have. I live on imagination street in a room with a view. I will keep you posted.

Posted By: sesss
Date Posted: January 04 2012 at 20:20
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:


I do not know if there are copyright issues here and have never checked with a lawyer. In general, where there is no money involved, the majority of cases fall apart in court. In this case it is done out of love and appreciation" rel="nofollow - r4 of music, and I am not sure that Guy wants to be sold, unless he is the doll and gets residuals off it. I actually have no issues with that, except that it would also open up legalistic stuff ... others may want the money! The FCC has not clarified the issues in regards to disk jockey" rel="nofollow - r4 and their content, as far as I can tell.

For years I have been wondering what the intro was for the Show during the late 70's. I loved it and it always included  Bela Lugosis voice 'Listen to them, children of the night, what music they make.  Does anyone know the group and song that was most commonly used to open the show?

Posted By: dmastous
Date Posted: January 04 2012 at 21:29
Interesting page Caliman. This is the kind of thing I've been trying to work on for a while now. Years, but more successfully over the last couple of years. I've got a number of SPR shows, and a number of playlists as well. I've entered them into an Excel spreadsheet which I've been hoping to provide on my own (relatively meager) SPR page. It's an old page, and has been online for almost 15 years. I hope to start beefing it up with more information, but I'm not sure what I can post due to copy-write restrictions, and Guy's own issues with posting his show online. So I just enjoy the programs and await some sort of permission from Guy to start expanding. It's his show, and I don't want to tread on his shoes.
Sesss, you'll have to be more specific about the time the song you're looking for was played. Many of the shows I have have Cochin Moon by Haroumi Hosono (pretty much a Yellow Magic Orchesstra precurser really) as it's opening music. Some also have Premonition from Sylvian/Czukay. But those were during the 80s.

Posted By: Caliman1964
Date Posted: January 04 2012 at 22:36
I am looking for playlists of the music played on SPR so I/we can buy it. The person that started this thread wanted the shows I guess, I don't. As for web radio, some are legal some are not. Many songs from SPR are on YouTube, some are legal many are not so I have read. Personally I don't like the idea of people ripping off artists work all over the web and advice all to buy music. Beyond that, I would like to see a utopian way we could do away with most copyright laws yet still support the artists and producers in a big way. But that is just a dream. So, thanks to those that have posted the names of artists that were on SPR. If you have more to add, please let us know. Here's what we have so far that I know of:
18 Karat Gold
Al Gromer Khan
Alan Stivell
Amon Düül 1
Amon Düül 2
Andreas Vollenweider
Angelo Badalamente
Art of Noise - Moments in Love
Ash Ra Tempel - Kazoo
Basil Kirchin
Bill Nelson
Blancmange - Game Above My Head (extended)
Brian Eno
Brian Eno & David Byrne
Bryan Ferry
Can - Bel Air
Carlos Alomar
Christopher Franke
Clannad - Newgrange
Cluster (Roedelius & Moebius)
Cocteau Twins
Coil - Nasa Arab ?
Cosmic Jokers
Daevid Allen
Danielle Dax
David Parsons
David Sylvian
David Sylvian & Holger Czukay
Dead Can Dance
Deep Forest - sweet lullaby
Double Fantasy
Dukes of Stratosphear ?
Eberhard Schoener
Edgar Froese
Edward Christmas
Einsturzende Neubauten
Floh de Cologne
Frank Chickens
Frank Perry
Fred Becker
Gina X Performance
Grid - Leave Your Body ?
Guru Guru
Harald Grosskopf
Icehouse ?
Jean-Michel Jarre
Jean-luc Ponty
Jean Michel Jarre
Jon Anderson (from Yes) with Vangelis
Jon Hassell & Brian Eno
Jon Mark
Jonn Serrie
Kate Bush
Killing Joke - Requiem (A Floating Leaf Always Reaches the Sea Dub Mix) ?
King Crimson - Sleepless
Klaus Schulze
Krishna Chakravarty
La Dusseldorf
Laurie Anderson
Laurie Z
Mark Shreve
Michael Froom
Michael Hoenig
Michael Shrieve
Michael Stearns
Mouse on Mars
Nina Hagen
Ofra Haza
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark ?
Paul Horn
Peru (aka/originally Nova)
Peter Michael Hamel
Philip Glass & Laurie Anderson - Forgetting ?
Pink Floyd
Popul Vuh
Robert Fripp
Roxy Music - Out of the Blue
SFF (Schicke Führs Fröhling)
Sheila Chandra
Simple Minds - Up On The Catwalk (extended)
Steve Roach
Suzanne Ciani
Sweet Smoke
Sylvan Grey
Talk Talk
Tangerine Dream - Astral Voyager, Green Desert, Atem
Tears For Fears - Pale Shelter ?
The Cure - Fascination Street (extended)
The Edge with Michael Brook
The Goons
The Human League - The Lebanon (extended), Life on Your Own
The League Unlimited Orchestra (The Human League) - Hard Times
The Payolas - Eyes of a Stranger ?
The Psychedelic Furs - The Ghost In You
The Thompson Twins - Doctor! Doctor! (extended)
This Mortal Coil
Thomas Fehlmann
Ultravox - Mr. X, Herr X (German version)
Visage - Fade to Grey ?
Walter Wegmüller
Yello - Of Course I'm Lying ?
Yellow Magic Orchestra

Posted By: Caliman1964
Date Posted: January 05 2012 at 04:26
Hello sesss, welcome, I am new here too. Cool I started listening to SPR in circa 1980 so I am not sure. But;
Tangerine Dream - Movements of a Visionary > I'm pretty sure this was intro bumper music, but it might have been at the end, or both at different years?.. circa 1981-1983?
Tangerine Dream - Phaedra > I know this was ending bumper music at some time past 1980. Circa 1981-1983?
I could be way off about the dates, later not earlier.Confused?
They can both be sampled on YouTube. I hope TD's Movements of a Visionary was it! It's nice to find old lost songs.

Posted By: Caliman1964
Date Posted: January 05 2012 at 08:15
Intro songs, also try: Klaus Schulze - floating > again it's on YouTube

Posted By: Caliman1964
Date Posted: January 05 2012 at 08:24
Okay, here we go sesss, this is the one I remember the most that was used for SPR intro in 1980 and beyond: Klaus Schulze - blanche

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: January 06 2012 at 01:41

Haruomi Hosono & Tadanori Yokoo - Hotel Malabar Upper Floor ...Moving Triangle.
Yes, that's what I remember and "leaked" a few posts ago as "a taste of the past". Thanks dmastous.
Again, it is not my intent to post Guy's material against his will, but I was hoping for a ground-swell of sorts. I too scanned the internet years ago for SPR and found nothing until last year on this forum. Any “Tangerine Tree” effort I can assist with would only involve the music. To find the past music - to google a melody – I am trying out Pandora but it requires more attention than I can give it right now. Paying for the music if and when found, I am all for that.

I also share with some of you the desire to see SPR evolve to another level. Yes, talk is cheap, but communication often begins with talk, cheap easy talk.

Posted By: Caliman1964
Date Posted: January 06 2012 at 11:15
Thanks for that Nada One, I will add to my list. FYI: Names of artist and songs are not Guy's material. If we didn't share names of the musical artists we like with each other then where would we be? You can't buy what you don't know about. The main idea of radio is to play music to us so we can buy it. FYI: Guy was notified about my list & was helpful to me. Seems like this thread is conflicted for me now. Seems to me that most are interested in just getting copies of Guy's shows by whatever means. As that is what this thread was started for I have no beef with that, none at all. I guess I should start another thread under the proper area.

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: January 06 2012 at 13:53
Go for it Caliman.
   I think it's agood idea to start an artist/music thread that will stand on its own and only reference Guy's SPR. For my 2-cents, SPR is still a part of this effort and the magnet that brought us here in the first place, so it can still enlist others and the more input the better since it could branch out beyond the original SPR playlists to include other material. (Witness misterdirk's A music-only thread would serve to expand the search for the music talent displayed via SPR without entangling the effort with what may become of the artistic value of Guy's shows themselves. You could link to it from here and link back as well from your first post in the new thread. I would open one and hand it over to you (I said I would help), but I don't want to interfere with your creative energy. After all you did start a very cool web page. Cudos to dmastous and misterdirk for their  online efforts as well.
So this talk stage is producing collaboration - I'm excited. This is what I hoped to find when I searched for SPR online to begin with. I will participate as my scheduling through this recession permits.
I remember reading once about something I believe Roger Waters said about quad-sound shows being started by Pink Floyd. Sure there were others bantering about the idea back then, but it was the Floyd who were first to get off their lazy butts and actually do something with it. Ditto for Guy's SPR. Ditto for you guys mentioned above.

Posted By: Caliman1964
Date Posted: January 06 2012 at 16:55
Shocked That's what I thought. I am slow yet fast. Confused There is a ' default.asp?C=9" rel="nofollow - forum_topics.asp?FID=41" rel="nofollow - General Music Discussions ' here. I will start a thread there I guess. Thanks for the fish! Tongue

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: January 06 2012 at 19:08
Please pardon my diarrhea of the keyboard.

Posted By: dmastous
Date Posted: January 07 2012 at 20:37
After posting my initial SPR page, I got a surprising email from Guy Guden thanking me for posting the page. It may have been the first posted on the internet. We exchanged a few emails about the music played on SPR. I offered to put his program online at that time (1999). I would have recorded a program from him, converted to Real Audio, the dominate streaming vehicale at that time, and post it on my page. I would have hosted the show, and playlists. He expressed concern over the idea then disappeared. He was still doing the show on the San Luis Obispo PBS station, but shortly afterwards that was gone, and I don't think the show has been resurrected since.
For myself, I have no problem purchasing the shows, or the music. I would do both and have done both. Will continue to do both if more shows come available, and when I find more music is revealed.

Posted By: Caliman1964
Date Posted: January 08 2012 at 11:10
If one was to play recordings of his show online, then I think there are copyright issues beyond Guy's say, such as permission from the labels/artists/owners and maybe the radio stations. For example, I did TV shows and those belong to the station. I don't see a problem with starting a web radio station that plays music that was played on SPR with newer stuff. At least get a green light from Guy and don't use the SPR name or his, unless he wants that. I found on Google that there is/was a Space Pirate Radio club that plays Prog in Second Life. Coincidence? As for how to do a radio show on the web; I think Radionomy is the best. But if SOPA passes, then I don't know what will happen.

Posted By: Blobfish
Date Posted: February 24 2012 at 20:54
Cool Prog Blog.

I got SPR on my ship's radio out in the channel off Santa Barbara, CA.
We had the water lit one clear night for a squid catch (our morning tuna bait) under a cool August moon 1974.
Best fishing accompaniment one could ever tune into. 

Even in Alaskan waters I could find his midnight-6 Sunday signal.
Blastin' the connection thu wet tin speakers n' pulling up cages of Eye-Shaken King Crabs-
YEA! This was radio, Daddy-o! 

Even in the gulf stream I'd turn the knob in hopes to find SPR.

Hope Mr. Guy's doin' good.  Sure do miss the catch under the stars.


Blob Von Tuna



Posted By: rickyswann
Date Posted: February 27 2012 at 00:05
Hi, awesome to discover other SPR lovers here. I'm actually the registrant of "" which I have progressively gradually eventually left less dynamic until I can get it into Men hands and fingers and arms and hands and fingers and arms and hands and fingers some day. It would be a fantasy come real if he is still doing reveals somewhere, or would application using a web page.

Sorry I'm a Spamma.

Posted By: Blobfish
Date Posted: February 27 2012 at 00:29
Thanks Caliman '64 for the playlist... some I know, some mixes I'll have to dive for.

Off the Channel Isles  we'd dive for scallops and abalone. the 'Balogne' was tenderized, sauteed in wine and butter and enjoyed with SPR's airing of Vangelis' 'Apocalypse des animaux- Generique.
It was one of our ship's chef Petey's simple specialties.
For his 33  bon anni, Petey found a mermaid in his bunk and she gave one birthday wish...

I didn't recognize him after he got a little head.  

Posted By: Blobfish
Date Posted: March 01 2012 at 02:30
Originally posted by dmastous dmastous wrote:

Interesting page Caliman. This is the kind of thing I've been trying to work on for a while now. Years, but more successfully over the last couple of years. I've got a number of SPR shows, and a number of playlists as well. I've entered them into an Excel spreadsheet which I've been hoping to provide on my own (relatively meager) SPR page. It's an old page, and has been online for almost 15 years. I hope to start beefing it up with more information, but I'm not sure what I can post due to copy-write restrictions, and Guy's own issues with posting his show online. So I just enjoy the programs and await some sort of permission from Guy to start expanding. It's his show, and I don't want to tread on his shoes.
Sesss, you'll have to be more specific about the time the song you're looking for was played. Many of the shows I have have Cochin Moon by Haroumi Hosono (pretty much a Yellow Magic Orchesstra precurser really) as it's opening music. Some also have Premonition from Sylvian/Czukay. But those were during the 80s.

The SPR Intro I 'member most was The Cosmic Jokers' Galactic Joke n' Cosmic Joy... Ash Ra Temple's music would accompany Mr. Guy as he credited the evening's crew with a roll of the mystic die... Shaken King Snake eyes.

Posted By: dms1958
Date Posted: March 17 2012 at 00:47
Blobfish,  thanks for posting what many of Guys intros were.   Have been trying to find out for years, no idea it was the cosmic jokers Just found the music on youtube. I listened every Sunday late 70s with my headphones on in bed and tripped out everytime to this music.    

Posted By: Blobfish
Date Posted: March 26 2012 at 11:26
Yer'welcome, dms.
 From Kosmische Musik. Most of Guy's intro/outro's was music of that label.

The tower bell strikes twelve, wolves cry and the Count replies...ahhhh, fresh blood of the earth's virgin vinyl is cast from space n' into me hungry brain.
SPR host Guy Guden introduced me to much worthy music from around the globe. 


Posted By: andrewmcmanus
Date Posted: March 30 2012 at 07:29
I just love this channel

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: jthernes
Date Posted: September 21 2012 at 10:07
Does anyone have the January 18, 1982 playlist for Guy Guden's Space Pirate Radio?
I was the person who sent Guy to Europe to try and sign contracts with Kate Bush, Vangelis, etc.... for a music video.  We tried to be first to do this before M TV came along.
I will appreciate any help on finding the playlist.

Posted By: dmastous
Date Posted: September 22 2012 at 09:04
I have playlists from 1989 on, but nothing before than. I have shows from before that, but I don't have all the songs identified so I don't have "playlists" from there, and I don't have that show anyway. So out of luck. Sorry.

Posted By: Chelsea C
Date Posted: January 10 2013 at 11:05
For sale Guy Gunden Space Pirate Radio LP unopened in original wrapper.  On ebay now...

item number.    170972515049

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 17 2013 at 15:30
Originally posted by Caliman1964 Caliman1964 wrote:

Thanks for that Nada One, I will add to my list. FYI: Names of artist and songs are not Guy's material. If we didn't share names of the musical artists we like with each other then where would we be? You can't buy what you don't know about. The main idea of radio is to play music to us so we can buy it. FYI: Guy was notified about my list & was helpful to me. Seems like this thread is conflicted for me now. Seems to me that most are interested in just getting copies of Guy's shows by whatever means. As that is what this thread was started for I have no beef with that, none at all. I guess I should start another thread under the proper area.
(updated/cleaned up 05/21/2013 -- had some ... errors inadvertantly like a banana was not Paul!)
The only way I will share anything from the shows I have (listening to one right now -- 11/14/1977), is with WRITTEN permission by Guy himself. Him and I are not on the same page, for some reason, and he won't email, call or discuss much of anything, even the pet rocks on Fifth and Hill! Even Paul will not share shows with me, which I would very gladly trade him for ... so we could end up with a larger library all around. Guy might have a list of things, although I do not recall ever seeing one, other than the complete list of his comedy bits which he had on reel to reel tape at the time, I believe.

Again, as I said before, when it comes to "imports" and the Southern California area, there are two people that are "the authority" for it. Guy is one, and the other is Archie Patterson. Archie, has shared a lot of his views since 1972 in Eurock, and Guy remains kinda quiet about it all, though his stories about his time and radio, still show up now and then on his blog. Comedy? ... only Guy had it ... available for a nickel by the panhandling hobo on his hourlies!
I was out of the loop by 1982, when I moved north .. had enough of Santa Barbara, UCSB, and not happy days all around after Ingrid left.
Note: On a recent "blog", Senor Jesus de Santa Barbara, posted that St Peter should stop talking about having paying rent, or buying gas ... when Senor Jesus was broke ... it was no big deal for me, but obviously has caused some interesting embarrassment to his gray hairs.
St. Peter has never been embarrassed about helping Senor Guidissimo get his LP, and even a T-shirt to add to his wardrobe, but Mr. Lance Princely Gudstrong, seems to have a failing memory for some days, that were sad, when Senor Jesus de Santa Barbara was not selected to play the Fool, but the rest was the sunshine with a little excursion for a film, or music ... geee ... we can always have a fun talk about ... Ventura Highway ... in the sunshine ... sure ... tell me you don't remember! That car, by the way, lasted all the way to 1984 when I gave it away to one of the dishwashers I had in Pendleton for $50 bux.
Geee ... how about fun stories ... one ugly Volvo and a coat hanger ... one on the steering wheel and the other on the coat hanger ... and we got back ... gosh ... can't even remember the film we saw on that one, but we got our Melody Makers on that bookstore on 5th and Hill ... ohh yeah ... and those bucket seats still were the best EVER!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 17 2013 at 15:36
Originally posted by Caliman1964 Caliman1964 wrote:

..." rel="nofollow -
Likewise, much of the music from SPR that I know of was not Progressive (?) and does not belong here I guess.
I am a fan of Progressive music and plan to come back here.
(cleaned up to take out typos and some errors courtesy of the Guy himself! 05/21/2013)
It has been one of the things that has been difficult to bring about, as an understanding to "what" became known as "progressive music" later ... and the idea/fact, that the FM band radio that was barely started, was big in allowing the longer cuts and eventually helped define a lot of this music ...
Today, it's all internet, and is highly visible, whereas in those days, things were not ... so someone playing it was important ... and at least for the 8 years I listened to this, I know that Guy fought hard to do it, and had to put up with a lot of serious BS from the station ... up to and including folks blatantly saying they had done something that Guy had done, instead!
It was "new radio", and not many FM radios were even sold that early ... and the "stereo" thing really hit home in the early 70's and Guy is a part of it. 
But putting something like this, and a "story", if not "history" of progressive music ... even in a place like ProgArchives, is, sadly, a dead end. ProgArchives is a DATABASE, not an Encyclopaedia, per Dean's words, and that means that history will never be important where a database is the God and neither will how so much of this music came about, and why. And, of course, doing this about Guy might be impossible ... there are too many things that I'm sure he would like to forget and not talk about ... I guess that we all have a little skeleton in the back somewhere ... but goodness ... isn't it what the Enquirer and all those are about! AND, they make you "famous"?
BTW, I really miss those articles on the News-Press!
We need more articles!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 17 2013 at 15:39
Originally posted by Blobfish Blobfish wrote:

Cool Prog Blog.

I got SPR on my ship's radio out in the channel off Santa Barbara, CA.
We had the water lit one clear night for a squid catch (our morning tuna bait) under a cool August moon 1974.
Best fishing accompaniment one could ever tune into. 
Listening to it on Gibraltar Point one windy night as the wind hits the hills and mountains and Jane and other bands play through ... yeah ... who needs squid when you got stars, right? On a clear night, too!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 17 2013 at 15:45
Originally posted by Chelsea C Chelsea C wrote:

For sale Guy Gunden Space Pirate Radio LP unopened in original wrapper.  On ebay now...

item number.    170972515049
Not from me. I still have my copies of the album. Can't believe that someone is selling that ... I bet that what hurts is that the price is not even what Guy is worth, and should be getting paid ... !!! Confused

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 17 2013 at 15:52
Originally posted by jthernes jthernes wrote:

Does anyone have the January 18, 1982 playlist for Guy Guden's Space Pirate Radio?
I was the person who sent Guy to Europe to try and sign contracts with Kate Bush, Vangelis, etc.... for a music video.  We tried to be first to do this before M TV came along.
The only list I have for a show in 1982 was from March 7. I was too busy at UCSB to be able to keep up with the show as much with work and school.
Phil Manzanera
Ad2 - Hijack
Jon & Vangelis - Friends of Mr. Cairo
Romne (spelling -- not sure who this was)
Gary Numan
David Bowie
Guy3 - Bijou Movie Palace
Gilly Smith - Mother Gong
Mike Oldfield - 5 Miles Out
Klaus Schoning
Catherine Ribeiro
Guy3 - Mouth Radio Theater
Ralph Lundsten - Nature Symphony #2
I have to re-listen, as there is a comedy bit I missed ... something about pain and art.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: March 28 2013 at 00:03
Originally posted by dmastous dmastous wrote:

Part of the impetus for my putting these shows up would be to get them identified. I can find the artists and songs when there are lyrics, but I have no way to Google melodies (anybody at Google reading this?). I have no way of finding some of the ambient pieces unless I stumble on one of them, or something very similar and search that vein. As I recognize songs, or do a search on the lyrics of one, I add it to my own small attempt a creating playlist. They are along way from being complete due to the many ambient pieces as well as French, Spanish, Japanese, and other shows in languages I don’t fully recognize.

I hope one day, we can begin accomplishing some sort of catalog of SPR shows, and playlists before they are long gone, and the people who have memories of the show can no longer share them.  They would be lost forever and that would be just too bad. Cry


Forget Google!
I just started using a free Apple app called "Shazam" that samples melodies quite well. It enabled me to find a song taped from SPR: Ryuichi Sakamoto called Paradise Lost, among others.

Paradise Lost - Ryuichi Sakamoto (Album: Illustrated Musical Encyclopedia)
Ribbed and Viened - Cocteau Twins (Album: Lullabies to Violaine)
Folkstone Hovercraft - Space Art (Album: Playback)

Posted By: spacemissing
Date Posted: May 09 2013 at 19:51
My last post was in July of 2010?
Seems like a long time ago now...
During my visit with Guy last night,
he thought I had posted something in March of this year.
Turned out to be a case of mistaken user identity.
Back in 2010, I made a video of the SPR album playing on a turntable.
Later, I gave Guy a copy of it.
After watching it, he said I should post it on YouTube.
There has been some trouble with getting that to happen.
When / if it is ever succesfully uploaded,
I hope I will remember to mention it in this forum.

Posted By: dmastous
Date Posted: May 09 2013 at 20:01
Originally posted by Nada One Nada One wrote:


Forget Google!
I just started using a free Apple app called "Shazam" that samples melodies quite well. It enabled me to find a song taped from SPR: Ryuichi Sakamoto called Paradise Lost, among others.

Paradise Lost - Ryuichi Sakamoto (Album: Illustrated Musical Encyclopedia)
Ribbed and Viened - Cocteau Twins (Album: Lullabies to Violaine)
Folkstone Hovercraft - Space Art (Album: Playback)

Not really an Apple guy. I'm not anything guy, but I don't like walled gardens. They are beautiful, but constraining. I've had Android phones since they started. 
Don't know if Shazam is available on the Android platform, but I'll look for it.

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: May 11 2013 at 01:16
Shazam is available for android phones.

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: May 11 2013 at 01:17
Blobfish, you have the wit of Guy himself!

Posted By: dmastous
Date Posted: May 11 2013 at 09:15
Originally posted by Nada One Nada One wrote:

Shazam is available for android phones.

Already downloaded and started using it. Going back through all the shows like a fanatic.
I also found a program called SoundHound that is pretty good. Shazam seems to be better, but both are good. Google also has a music search tool that isn't as good as the previous tool, but it too works once in a while.
Bottom line; I have gone through 6 shows and identified all but perhaps a half dozen songs (a couple I think I know, but I'm not sure about). Looking good for a significant upgrade of my playlists.
I've also discovered and downloaded some new music, and that's also positive. Back to the grind....

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: May 11 2013 at 17:57
Sweet! Like uncovering buried treasure.
Still interested in planting the Tangerine Tree?  Tangerine Tree LOGO

Posted By: dmastous
Date Posted: May 11 2013 at 23:02
Originally posted by Nada One Nada One wrote:

Sweet! Like uncovering buried treasure.
Still interested in planting the Tangerine Tree?  Tangerine Tree LOGO

Not sure what that would entail. I have a lot of TD.  All as MP3's. Many live shows from the previous Tangerine Trees.

Posted By: Blobfish
Date Posted: May 27 2013 at 16:34
SP wit, cheers. 
Guy spitting Tangerine Dream seeds from the 9th floor of the Granada, planting Porcupine Trees in San Luis Obliss...
 oh so do miss, the radar blips n' flounder flips on the channel islands.


"Everyone has a time machine. The ones that take you back are memories; and the ones that take you forward are dreams."   H.G. Wells

Posted By: dmastous
Date Posted: June 05 2013 at 10:56
So I've gone through all the shows I have with Shazam, in addition to SoundHound, and Google Music Search. With all three I was able to identify about 80% of the unidentified songs. I'm down to about 300+ songs unidentified.
Many thanks for the suggestion. I thought about doing that, but didn't think the program would encompass more than the most popular and most recent music.
In the process I discovered many new songs, artists and options to add to my musical pallat. I've purchased the songs I like, and updated the SPR songs on my Ipod and I'm listening now to Sadistic Mika Band's Kurofume Kai (a long ago identified song from my initial SPR recordings) nesting along with Solution's Chappaqua (another song from both my missing tapes, and my new shows, now IDed thanks to SoundHound), and about 650 other wonderful SPR type songs.
Thanks for suggestion Shazam and other programs of it's Ilk.
Now I've created low quality mono versions of the unidentified songs, and will post them on my web site's SPR page and send a link to see if anyone can ID the remaining songs. Then I will post the playlists at some point.
Shazam was definitley the best at Identifiying Prog-Rock, but SoundHound was better at new wave. Google search was a very distant third, but once in awhile it would come up with a song the other two couldn't. You'd think with Google's resouces they could make it better, but no such luck there.
The only  real issue I had was Shazam, and to a lesser extent Google, suggesting recent songs, more or less throwing them out as possiblilies. SoundHound was definitely better at accuarcy. When it IDed a song, that was the song. Shazam was the worst.
Anyway, I'll be working the web pages over the next few weeks or months, and link to them when I'm done. Time for some work on the SPR page anyway. It's been too long neglected.

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: October 26 2013 at 00:18
dmastous, would you please post a link to your SPR page?

Posted By: dmastous
Date Posted: October 26 2013 at 09:24
Well, I created the page (rudimentally anyway), and wanted to link it to my current SPR page, but had no real inspiration to redesign the current 15 year old page (here:" rel="nofollow - ). After a couple of weeks of no inspiration, I also got no replies to my comment, so I kind of let it go.
I'm trying to post it now as a standalone, but I'm now having difficulty logging into my site. It may take a couple days to sort this out. I'll send the link when it's posted.

Posted By: Nada One
Date Posted: October 28 2013 at 23:15
Smile Good luck with whatever is needed to get your page going. When I posted" rel="nofollow - "a taste of the past" I needed a place to link the audio from so I hastily threw something together on my free ISP web space and quickly found that things did not work like before as well. My ISP "updated" things a bit, so I had to learn their new methods to move forward. 
I have been searching to find anyone that remembered SPR for decades now and even sections of a playlist seemed beyond hope. I'm jazzed that you are considering doing this at all. When I mentioned the tangerine tree I was alluding to putting together a similar work, but of SPR playlists.  Please post a link when you think it's ready. For now I'm content to follow Guy's blog when time permits. I'm very glad he started that. I am especially pleased that he is posting David Fontana's work. Perhaps you can get Guy's OK to use Dave's art on your page.

Posted By: dmastous
Date Posted: October 29 2013 at 07:42
Here's the link:" rel="nofollow -

Pretty rudimentary. The files are low quality mono MP3s. They should play in your browser, or you can download them and play them on your computer.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: November 01 2013 at 04:39
Originally posted by dmastous dmastous wrote:

Here's the link:" rel="nofollow -

Pretty rudimentary. The files are low quality mono MP3s. They should play in your browser, or you can download them and play them on your computer.

This kinda defeats the whole thing, and in some ways, it was a fair criticism that Guy had about me ... because I wanted the music, too!

The show, for all intents and purposes, was a "movie" from beginning to end, and separating the parts of the movie, broke it up into nothing. Having the music, is of course, what radio is about! He DID have a promo that said "like a foreign movie without the sub-titles" and I think that is appropriate, specially when you stop at a Foreign Film Festival and you can see how many folks DON'T go to foreigh films, and instead go see all the American, and English films ... excuse me, here in Portland they will go if Pedro Almodovar shows up!
There are a lot of things in these, that are difficult to identify, because Guy himself also did many sound effects and fun things that ended up in the midst of the music, and might not necessarily be an album at all. Adding these on top of an album, with the tv or some foreign radio behind it, made it even more foreign and interesting to listen to, which was a nice touch, all around. He also had a friend that had a nice synthesizer and I can not tell you how much he and that friend played with it, and recorded, but it would be very much like Guy to go find out and fool around on it and do something strange/weird/different/funny ... !!!

It is one of the things that is missing in "radio", yesterday and today, that will never be there again! The  most radio can do is 3 teacher songs back to back ... wooowwwww ... before the next commercial!  Oh, wait, I just heard one of those DAW radio stations with the same beat for 4 hours, and someone just throwing sound effects forwards and backwards and no music! How intelectual that sounds! Maybe listening to the turkeys at KUFO here in Portland is better! Radio is dead! Long live Guy!
I just don't think that Guy is interested in radio, or some of its morons and megalomaniacs! And Xirius and the other one are just more of the same corporate bullmerde selling only their stuff. They would never be man enough to give Guy 10 minutes!

AND this is the part that a board like this will have a hard time dealing with. You can't hear just the music.
You have to have the song or the album, and if there was an experience with it ... IT'S GONE!  In some cases, the music is even better because of his show!
The context with which, the stuff is shown and heard, makes the difference about it all!
Unlike many radio and internet folks out there, none of them, have the conceptual ability to do anything anywhere as good or entertaining as Guy did ... though it changed somewhat and I find the shows I heard from 1995 sounding morelike radio, but still different! The early days were massively "out there", and as such much more valuable and fun to listen to.
No one here, other than us, has any idea, what we are talking about. And sadly, they NEVER will know, because Guy's wishes are to not show or share these.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Blobfish
Date Posted: November 21 2013 at 16:34

Yes, I can't agree more with Moshpito, SPR was a soundtrack under the evening's moonglow to shimmering sunrise... 
...for me, at sea.
Phosphorescent squid eyes dashing through the foam under a full moon to Ash Ra Temple... Cosmic.
Iridescent inklings' milky way smoke through Pink Floyd meddle rippling... Stellar.

Guy Guden, thanks for the memories.

"Everyone has a time machine. The ones that take you back are memories; and the ones that take you forward are dreams."   H.G. Wells

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: November 24 2013 at 12:48
Originally posted by Blobfish Blobfish wrote:


Yes, I can't agree more with Moshpito, SPR was a soundtrack under the evening's moonglow to shimmering sunrise... 
...for me, at sea.
Phosphorescent squid eyes dashing through the foam under a full moon to Ash Ra Temple... Cosmic.
Iridescent inklings' milky way smoke through Pink Floyd meddle rippling... Stellar.

That's one thing that is missing from a lot of stuff out there, and I have gone through the Live 365 list, for example, and the folks running that place are nuts, and just repeating the same pieces over and over again. Well, they could get cynical on us and say that moon and sun still come up, but I get the feeling they don''t know how to trip and enjoy the time and space at all! The music is meaningless to them, in the middle of ... next song!
I still have moments, for example, listening to some things ... like Pink Floyd, and then Third Ear Band back to back, and its very nice, and followed by Colin Townes ... and each time I hear the Third Ear Band album it's very clinical and academic, but it's empty, compared to how it was played, and next to which pieces. On top of it, Guy even had sound effects of rain, some light thunder going in the background.
It takes a very special FEEL and appreciation for music, to be able to do this. Most folks in radio are just playing their favorites and it's so damn obvious in Live 365 or FM or any of those listed places! They always go back to a "song" that is a "classic hit" ... they forgot how to close their eyes and live!!!
Say hi, to your brother, btw ... miss his funny antics while we were cooking!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Blobfish
Date Posted: November 26 2013 at 21:37
Gut Gott, where did these 'Emoticons' come from? Walmart's record bin?
For  'prog archives' ain't rush cheap enough?

I've been ogglin' up from the deep, lookin' for new bubble rain coats n' boots...but, nea,  not much here...
... polyester wear of the 70's still seems the 'fashion state'.

Grateful to those that appreciated SPR... like minds, that lived to drift out n' not be 'chum'.

Si, Si, P' Scungilli is doin' well, cookin' n' playin' sax on occasion with the 'Wrinkling Brothers'.

Best to you n' yours,

DJ Scungilli Von Tuna
(in a blobfish bowler) 

"Everyone has a time machine. The ones that take you back are memories; and the ones that take you forward are dreams."   H.G. Wells

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: December 23 2013 at 10:57
Originally posted by Blobfish Blobfish wrote:


Yes, I can't agree more with Moshpito, SPR was a soundtrack under the evening's moonglow to shimmering sunrise... 
...for me, at sea.
Phosphorescent squid eyes dashing through the foam under a full moon to Ash Ra Temple... Cosmic.
Iridescent inklings' milky way smoke through Pink Floyd meddle rippling... Stellar.

Guy Guden, thanks for the memories.
The more I read this, the more I shed a tear now and then, as to how much listening is being done to music that has no connection to anything, except another 5 minute cut. I was going to do a thing at Live365, but their support is horrendous and in the end, they only wanted "cuts" and they did not understand the rest at all. Like before, I wanted to do a nonstop collage for a couple of hours and then mix poetry, prose, and other comments like yours (with permission, of course) to try and get people to "re-connect" with music and the inner life of the magic theater, that so many of Guy's shows were about ... and I'm just glad to know that I am not the only one out there that knows this and "the secret" ... behind most music!
There aren't many of us that describe the music so poetically and artistically, like we do!
Good nourishment for the soul, let me tell yahhh ... like you don't already know!
Happy New Year to you et al!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Blobfish
Date Posted: January 27 2014 at 15:49
Cheers ta' all  n' keep on listenin' to anew floatin' notes...
...forget da' bottom-feeders... n' don't get crabs.

Blob'Pesci" rel="nofollow - DJ Scungilli

"Everyone has a time machine. The ones that take you back are memories; and the ones that take you forward are dreams."   H.G. Wells

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: February 02 2014 at 11:18
Happy Birthday SPR on January 27th. God Almight ... 40 years.
The hard part of it all? Folks here don't believe it and even think we're fabricating Raving and Drooling!
Happy wishes to you and the family Blob ...

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: February 02 2014 at 11:52
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:


The hard part of it all? Folks here don't believe it and even think we're fabricating Raving and Drooling!

No they don't. Just stop with the unfounded accusations. It's not big and it's not clever.


Posted By: misterdirk
Date Posted: May 12 2014 at 11:33
Greetings all — As I mentioned a few years ago, I am the registrant for <>. I also have <>. I have offered them gratis to Guy several times since 1999 in hopes that an Internet radio/video show might happen, but he has declined. I got a medical diagnosis a few months ago which has considerably shortened my prospects, so in the interest of putting my affairs in order, I want to dispense with these domain names properly. I think that members of this group might be appropriate owners. I will sell them (only as a set) for $3k USD via PayPal in order to cover my holding costs since 1999. If no one in this group is interested, then I or my relatives will put them up for auction beginning in June 2014. Contact me by Private Message on this site if you are interested. Kind regards, Mr. Dirk.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: May 18 2014 at 12:41
Years ago, more like 15 or so, when I was doing support in a large ISP for Web Hosting, I had immediately sent a note to Guy, that even if he did not know the internet, that he would need to OWN these, regardless. However, I'm inclined to believe that Guy's computer knowledge at the time was not as good to make this possible for him to get/understand. It's not something that we're all comfortable with, anyway!
Too late, was my guess. Too little too late!
Honestly, considering that you knew/know the folks that are posting here, that are/were close to Guy, that I find it embarassing and a complete insult that you are doing this.
Guy's show, was a labor of love that cost him dearly in health and effort, specially in the earlier days, for which folks like you get the chance to take advantage of things.
I can not really condemn that, since this is America, and in America the law allows for people to be ripped off by those you (supposedly) know! Even I that have so many hours of his show, did accidentally share some of them once, but all in all, I have never shared it with anyone else, and if I did, there would not be a single cent involved. Why? Because it deserves the same spirit with which it was created. That spirit, my friend, is not corruptible, and can not be violated. You make the choice!
With that said, good luck and have a wonderful day. It is not for me to judge you and your maker. Only you can do that and find the love/care/understanding and appreciation that it takes to do something that Guy did against so many odds and abuses that he had to put up with, specially in the early days. It is your choice, and as such ... it is who and what you are.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 18 2014 at 13:34
Christ Pedro, have a heart. 

Dirk has a terminal illness and only wants to cover the cost of owning these domains for the past 15 years (@ $100 a year) - I don't see that as ripping anyone off.


Posted By: misterdirk
Date Posted: May 19 2014 at 11:15
I don’t mean to play the sympathy card -- we're all terminal. I only mention my medical diagnosis because I can foresee a time where I am no longer in charge of these names. I would prefer to dispense with them responsibly. I have offered them to this group because you are presumably sympathetic to Guy’s art. If there’s no interest here, then I’ll submit them to the open market like a good little pirate.

To clarify further, I would still be perfectly happy to turn both domain names over to Guy completely gratis, but that offer only extends to him. I have never profited from owning the domain names, and I have never misrepresented myself as Space Pirate Radio. In all my communications both private and public I have made that clear (and I have all my email archives to prove it) — it’s nonsense to imply that I have taken advantage of Guy. It’s more accurate to say that I have held open for him the option of launching his radio show on the Internet, and I blocked anyone else from using the SPR domain names. My last two emails to Guy went unanswered, so I can only assume that he hasn’t changed his mind. I’d be stoked if I’m wrong and he wants them.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: May 24 2014 at 15:43
So sorry if it didn't sound right, and it was not meant to sound as bad. But we can always discuss Moliere and his philosophy bowling while ripping his tights! I do have a heart and losing another person that appreciate a piece of history, in my book, is not my idea of I hate life. I love the work he did and I know that all the folks that were all together and a part of it in one way or another, were all very special, and valuable.
Not sure it will work getting Guy to touch the rights to the show ... I think he's too busy to appreciate what it takes to own the website, and what he could/should/would do with it. But, from the couple of shows I have heard in the 90's, things were vastly softer and less "on it", or as exploratory and off the wall as the earlier shows were. Playing bootlegs in a top FM station might be an issue, that Guy has not told us about, but I doubt that 30 years later it is an issue. I could be VERY wrong! But Guy was hardly the only one doing it! There could be other un-savory moments, but all in all, I don't think that his comic point of view was that bad, or any worse than a Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx or anyone else around the time. I thought it was more surrealistic and not quite as TV-Soap-PrimeCrap defined. It was more intelligent and more artistic, if not more literary!
I do not feel that I should grab the ownership of these as they are not mine to own and I do not wish to have yet one more thing that might create more friction. But it is his choice, and chance to come out of the woodwork, if we can put it that way, for a new age, time and place. The blog is good, but not enough ... it's missing the music!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

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