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Eloy - The Vision, the Sword and the Pyre - Part I CD (album) cover




Psychedelic/Space Rock

3.24 | 165 ratings

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5 stars I have just listened to the album, this is my comment. My English is not good, can only be converted into English with google:

I have not yet been under God's glory, and I hope that God will give me, and if I am in it, I hope that God will give me. ----Jeanne d'Arc

[# 01] The Age Of The Hundred Year's War [4:16]

Background of the album. The album focuses on the story of Joan of Arc, the background is the British and French years of war. This release is the first part, the second part is said to be released in the Ming Dynasty, and there will be musical performances (the album itself is advertised as a rock opera, and the wall, tommy for comparison).

【Joan of Arc was originally a French girl in the countryside, and she claimed that at the age of sixteen, she met the angels of the sanctuary, the holy Magali and the holy convents, Of the revelation ", asked her to recapture the then lost by the England occupation of France. Later, she repeated twists and turns, get military power, in 1429, around the settlement of Orléans, became the famous French heroes, after the soldiers repeatedly defeated the England invaders, but also to promote the throne of Charles VII in the same year in July 16 to be crowned. However, Joan of Arc in 1423 in a small conflict in the province of Burgundy captured by the Principality of Burgundy, and soon for the British to buy heavily, by the British authorities under the control of the heresy and the sorcerer sentenced her to fire, On May 30, 1431 in France Rouen in public execution. 20 years after the British army was completely expelled from France, Joan of Arc's old mother to persuade the Pope Calix III to re-trial Joan of Arc case, and finally in 1456 for her vindication. 500 years after being sealed by the Vatican.】

The song was opened with the iconic psychedelic atmosphere of Eloy, followed by a vocals of female voices, accompanied by ferocious drums, followed by the addition of guitars and basses, together depicting a panorama of a century of war.

I was surprised that Bornemann's voice ... perhaps because of the older age, sounded some illusion of dead voice. Well, Closer to home, after the timely addition of the string, the war of the grand and tension portrayed out. The end is ringing the bell, tell you the end of the Overture, positive film began!

Song score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[# 02] Domremy On The 6th January 1412 [1:47]

In the crisp melody, a simple description of the birth of Joan of Arc, piano guitar synthesizer with just right, but the end is the bell, what is the meaning of it? The sound of the soundtrack is great.

Song score: ★ ★ ★ ☆

[# 03] Early Signs ... From A Longed For Miracle [4:13]

It is eloy rare flute playing (this album from time to time there will be flute, a bit like goes on "Colors"), and then ... ... I was not put the wrong album? How to hear the 90's album "Destination" in the epic "Jeanne d'Arc"? Well, it is true that this melody is from that song. Eloy from the beginning of the 1990s there is the intention of making Joan of Arc album, but then the time is not ripe. "Jeanne d'Arc" is a great work, but slightly less heat.

Then the ensemble of the keyboard and synthesizer, "Jeanne d'Arc" melody did not think of it, but to write a new melody, with excellent flute, very idyllic feeling. The This song should be described as Joan of Arc first met miracles.

【Joan of Arc later confirmed that she met the first miracle in 1424. She was said to have met the great angels of St. Mi Er, St. Magali and St. plus the ribs, told her to drive away the England and lead the Crown Prince to Reims for the coronation.】

The final return of the song eloy rock and roll character, full of power bass with hot electric guitar and to force the drums, in an exciting melody after the end.

Song rating: ★ ★ ★ ★

[# 04] Autumn 1428 At Home [0:55]

This is a primer, well, in the rock opera a lot of introduction is very common. And the second first, in the crisp background melody is a narration, and finally sounded the flute of the melody, it is very beautiful.

What did Joan of Arc in 1428?

【At the age of 16 she asked her relatives, Durand Lassois, to take her to nearby Wakulle, where she explained to the local garrison commander Robert de Baudricourt , Hoping to take her to the Crown Prince's location - Xi Nong.】

Song score: ★ ★ ★

[# 05] The Call [5:51]

After so many quotes, the album finally ushered in the first official song! The opening of the eloy is the late standard epic opera singing: charming bass line with Bornemann vigorous (but some lack of change) voice, the lyrics are often stacked like a general gun. After the first out of the field, the wild synthesizer solo began. The second paragraph of the concert is more high-pitched, it is very standard eloy later song.

According to historical records, Joan of Arc asked to go to the Crown Prince's location - Xi Nong, but:

【Bo Chukul just ridiculed her some, but this did not let Joan of Arc to this retreat.】

Because you have not seen the lyrics, so do not know what the song specifically say anything. Especially in the middle of the emergence of a female voice and sound, it seems still in the narrative of Joan of Arc to see the miracles and prophecy, "I have been choosen" what, powerful my Joan of Arc!

Accompanied by a vocal sound of voice is I think eloy most iconic bass, I think the bass and synthesizer is eloy soul, not what guitar what voices. At the end of the narration, the synthesizer set off the final climax.

Song rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

[# 06] Vaucouleurs [4:35]

【Joan of Arc came to Wakulle again in January of the following year, along with two soldiers who supported her: Jean de Metz and Bertrand de Bertrand Poulegny). In their support, she received a second interview, in the conversation she and said some magical warfare forecast, predicted that the French near Orleans will be defeated in the war of herring.】

The song is similar to the previous song, with a variety of instruments plus Bornemann's singing. But then the introduction of the late eloy epic songs of the biggest features: magnificent and graceful feminine chorus. Reminiscent of Visionary and Ocean 2 The Answer.

After all, is a rock opera, is singing almost after the introduction of the female voice-tones, should be described in Joan of Arc in the experience of the village. And then a more popular instrumental music, and finally to the female chorus off the song.

Joan of Arc's prediction was finally confirmed:

【At the front of the news confirmed Joan of Arc's prophecy, Bo Chukul finally agreed to escort her to Xi Nong.】

Song rating: ★ ★ ★ ★

[# 07] The Ride By Night ... Towards The Predestined Fate [3:29]

【She disguised as a male, through the vast enemy of the Burgundy territory, and finally arrived at the crown prince in Chillon's castle.】

This song is to describe Joan of Arc's night riding, the so-called heroes destined for her destiny.

The beginning of the bass and synthesizer of the gradual, but the bass of the melody sounds very much like OCEAN in a song, I can not remember which is the first, but really like. The song's "first card" is the power of the bass, behind the electric guitar and synthesizer just embellishment. In the latter part of the song, the horseshoe sound was added to the night riding of Joan of Arc. Then the instrument is bright, the atmosphere is bold, but still bass dominated. The last is a section of the wind, it seems that there is a "wind Xiao Xiao Yi water cold" means.

Song rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

[# 08] Chinon [9:46]

Joan of Arc finally came to the legend:

【In the meeting she gave Charlie a very deep impression, Charlie then directed in Poitiers on Joan of Arc background investigation and theological test to confirm her morality. At this time, Charlie's mother-in-law, Yolande of Aragon, raised funds to launch a expedition to save Orleans. Joan of Arc asked to take part in the expedition and put on the equipment of the knight, because she did not have her own money, her armor, horse, sword, flag and followers are donated by others.】

Is still the heavy bass leading song start, plus the heavy piano heavy percussion, Bornemann behind the heavy to tell what, then chorus to join, synthesizer and bass again return, and add a small series of strings Lele set off. More than two minutes when the flute once again played, with a strong sense of vicissitudes of history, melodious sounds, up to a minute. This is the highlight of the song.

After the intense drums, the song into the middle, we ushered in the description of male voice and sound, about Joan of Arc in the experience of the Greek, with the Crown Prince Charles dialogue, as well as the French royal family on Joan of Arc, etc., here Arthur's expedition should not have been written yet. Accompanied by a narrative is the psychedelic atmosphere of the keyboard, of course, powerful bass has been in. At the end of the description, the flute sounded again, accompanied by a rather magnificent melody, which seemed to suggest that Joan of Arc had won Charlie's trust.

The third part of the song is restored calm, crisp melody behind the female voice sound (the words, I think there are some more narration, may affect some of the music, but after all, is the musical ah, and to tell Joan of Arc) "God said me to do this" what, still said Joan of Arc's illusion. Followed by a male voice-over voice, which seems to represent Charlie's decision. Has been playing behind the flute is a bright spot.

【The historian Stephen W. Richey has given the explanation of why Joan of Arc has been appointed: "In the battlefield year after year, the shameful failure of the French government in the army and the people's leadership has been low morale and ruined. When Charlie's prince agreed to lead his army and prepare for the war by Joan of Arc, he had probably tried all the formal and rational tactics, but failed, and only one regime that had reached the last minute of survival , Will be in despair to believe that a self - proclaimed by God 's instructions of the rural illiterate girl, let her command the country' s army.】

Then some unexpectedly joined the male chorus, pay attention to this is not a female voice. Voice strong and powerful, magnificent. This is not the same as the female chorus is not the same feeling, seems to have coping with Joan of Arc men: Joan of Arc since leaving home until she was captured and mistakenly refused to abandon the book before wearing men's clothing. The last one is: and god will give us our victory.

As the album's longest song, the song is clearly divided into three paragraphs, arranged in order, instrumental turns turns into battle is also a lot of highlights, especially flute and bass. Just may be too much voice tone, affecting the mood of the listener it

Song score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[# 09] The Prophecy [4:39]

Porny psychedelic synthesizer with high-pitched smart female voice sounded, followed by a musical instrument Biao, Bornemann vigorous but not wide range of human voice, accompanied by even some rap feeling the lyrics (here can refer to OCEAN Decay of Logos a song, rich taste of English, it sounds very interesting). The middle is added a string of music. The most surprising is the mid-back chorus is neither female nor male, this time into a child's voice, a little pf another brick taste, but this time the child sounds very holy, naive, seems still in the description of Joan of Arc The fate of the gift of heaven. Finally, a beautiful synthesizer melody.

Song rating: ★ ★ ★ ★

[# 10] The Sword [5:54]

Is still bass plus Bornemann voice began, but this arrangement some lack of change, listen to some boring.

【Joan of Arc asked to take part in the expedition and put on the equipment of the knight, because she did not have her own money, her armor, horse, sword, flag and followers are donated by others.】

But it is exciting that the song in the plain opening, immediately ushered in a climax, it is directly cited from the 94 years of the album The Tides Return Forever in the company's Angels a climax part. The song is the same as the Jeanne d'Arc, the story of Joan of Arc. Bornemann has been thinking about this opera for more than twenty years.

This male chorus is magnificent, I do not know whether to modify the lyrics, but with the original difference is to join the flute accompaniment, making the melody more beautiful.

In the third climax before singing, the song into a calm and quiet tone, driven by the string behind, for the last climax bedding. This peaceful atmosphere is touching, with the climax of the flute complement each other.

Song rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

[# 11] Orleans [4:25]

【Joan of Arc came to the battlefield on April 29, 1429. Joan of Arc, who advocated direct attack on the British, she put in every small battle and was at the forefront of the battle and took her clear banner The Stephen W. Richey argues: "She continues to lead the army in a series of incredible victories, reversing the whole war situation." In either case, historians agree that the French army under her leadership Can create a very extraordinary victory.】

Joan of Arc started her combat, the first war is Orleans.

The song begins with a heavy drum, crisp guitar joins and remains in Bornemann's calm singing. The first half of the song changed little, after the latter part of the female voice to join the chorus, has been singing: "Orlean, Orlean, Orlean ... ..." can make people feel the fierce battlefield situation, but:

【Witnesses claim that she often makes a wise decision on the battlefield, but the soldiers and generals tend to see her victory as a mysterious power of God.】

This chorus is somewhat divine and seems to be the sign of Joan of Arc. The bass line in the song is a bright spot.

Song rating: ★ ★ ★ ★

[# 12] Les Tourelles [7:23]

【After a few fortresses, the British began to abandon other wooden defense buildings and concentrate on the remaining forces to defend a fortress of the Orleans joint bridge, the les Tourelles. On May 7, the French army began to attack Leituer, Joan of Arc in the war was an arrow in the shoulders and soldiers were lifted off the front, but she quickly pulled out the arrow, wounded to return to the battlefield Leading the final offensive.】

This is the second song in the album, although the opening is still bass, drums, but the rhythm of the song to speed up, with Bornemann rapid singing, and the girl seems to lament the chorus, I heard a "falling to the "Of course, is the description of the battlefield of the fierce and tragic.

After the fiery opening of the song, the song into the psychedelic moment, the keyboard a vivid solo, behind the bass bass line is very charming, and then the string into the song to a part of the lyrical. Bornemann gentle and gracious description, although do not know what to sing, but the feeling is very touching atmosphere, should be in the narrative of Joan of Arc's injury. Lyrical final Bornemann raised the volume, the voice behind the voice is also rally, followed by a sonorous and powerful string, the last Bornemann Smart guitar with bass sounded, repeating the charming melody. The song finally repeats the opening of the female voice seems to lament the chorus, with Bornemann haste singing, seems to symbolize Joan of Arc and put into the battle, and get the final victory.

Song rating: ★ ★ ★ ★

[# 13] Why? [5:11]

In the blink of an eye, we came to the end of this part of Joan of Arc.

Calm opening, coupled with Bornemann chanting like singing, a little reminiscent of the band on an album's tail song "Thoughts".

This song is for God to ask "why"? This also need to get the lyrics to see, but the calm and sad atmosphere to create, it seems that Bornemann in the sigh of the terrible war, asked why innocent people to experience this century of catastrophe.

Joan of Arc had made many victories in war, but she:

【Joan of Arc forbade the killing of prisoners of war, and she even told a soldier who would be dead (when the man thought that the person who had not been told would go to hell).】

Half of the time sounded a shocking female solo, no lyrics, but in the helpless groans, seems to apply my idea. This song is very appealing, somewhat similar to the pf great gig in the sky. May be in the completion and control of the pf version as better, but the female is very explosive, the last minute of the storm soared without control, straight into the sky, even if there is a broken sound do not care, this slovenly wild just to People brought full shock!

Song score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"The Vision, the Sword and the Pyre (Part I)" The first part ends.

The second part should be released next year, but do not expect too much hope that the spring can be heard, the first part of the notice earlier this year will be released, but dragged on for six months. But this also take into account the health of Bornemann Father, after all, was born in 1945, now 72 years old!

The second part should describe the capture and execution of Prince Charles and Joan of Arc, the first part of which is about Vision and Sword, then the second part is Sword and Pyre.

At first listen to the feeling that the concept of the album is complete, the music is also very hard, the lyrics I have to get the album and then under review, really worthy of the rock opera first name! But also because it is a musical, feeling the voice part of the voice too much, some damage to music, and some repeat self, often can see the shadow of the past. And does not seem to have a particularly powerful core music, hope that the second part can be more to force. I need to listen more times.

Album Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

mitarai_panda | 5/5 |


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