Progarchives, the progressive rock ultimate discography

Progressive Rock Top Albums / all subgenres - all record types - 1955 - all countries

Based on members ratings & PA algorithm

Here is some details about how we calculate the average rating of an album and the rank of an album.

  • Average rating: The classic calculation of the average but more weight is affected to the ratings of collaborators and to ratings with reviews:
    - Rating only: Weight = 1
    - Review by members : Weight = 10
    - Review by PA Collaborators : Weight = 20
  • Rank of an album: We use a calculation that compare an album average ratings and number of ratings over all others albums in the query using this theory ( to create a variable every query "QWR" (AKA: Query Weighted Rating) use for ordering.

  • By default, only albums with the average ratings above the average ratings of the requested query are displayed in theses lists, you can control this value in the filters
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Rank Cover Ratings Title
(Record Type)
3.58 | 25 ratings
QWR = 3.5578
The Musings Of Miles [Aka: The Beginning]
Miles Davis
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 1955
3.48 | 34 ratings
QWR = 3.5071
Blue Moods
Miles Davis
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 1955

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